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When To Take Pullets Off Heat?

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Had a chap round here yesterday who informed me I have taken my young Pullets away from their main heat source far too earley :hmm:. they're now around 14 days and seem to be doing well but do Huddle in the evenings under a small red Bulb. He's telling me they need a the ceramic Lamp putting in there in the evenings so they don't get chilled.


I read on the net they should be under heat for 6 weeks which seems a bit extreme as they have feathers on their back already and 14 days.

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hi my chicks stay with the broody hen until they are between 6 and 8 weeks after that they no longer sleep under her so if i was to use an incubator and lamp i would use the lamp until around then , try putting the lamp back in and see if they prefer it , all the best with your brood

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Mine are under until 6 weeks Jasp but they are very short feathered. I think the main reason to keep them on heat is so they can use their 'fuel' to grow rather than to keep warm.

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cheers for the info men :thumbs: . seems like the guy knew what he was taking about when he came round. I just took them out of the Arc and stuck them in a large open top run with a Lamp in the corner.


what you're sayng Tuzo makes a whiole lot of sense mate.....

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4 weeks old here.




At 6 weeks these were placed in here.




thats a nice set up you have there Actic! I need to invest in a couple of drinkers a feeders in the near future :thumbs:


Here's my youngsters now 15 days! can anyone sex them?:laugh: .....


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4 weeks old here.




At 6 weeks these were placed in here.




thats a nice set up you have there Actic! I need to invest in a couple of drinkers a feeders in the near future :thumbs:


Here's my youngsters now 15 days! can anyone sex them?:laugh: .....

Something to do with there wing feathers isn't it.................. :thumbs:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doesnt really natter what sort of bulb you use as long as its giving off heat [bANNED TEXT]. Best way to judge is watch how they sit in relation to heat source if they sit away they are getting tuff so change to a lower wattage, if they are sitting under it then they need the warmth.


Around a month in this weather is about right longer as it gets colder. If they are huddling in corners but not clambering over each other then they are doing ok without heat.



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4 weeks old here.




At 6 weeks these were placed in here.




thats a nice set up you have there Actic! I need to invest in a couple of drinkers a feeders in the near future :thumbs:


Here's my youngsters now 15 days! can anyone sex them?laugh.gif .....

Something to do with there wing feathers isn't it.................. :thumbs:



Females feather faster so at that age the males generally have fewer feathers on the back and look shorter in the body.......

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Does it seems like you've got 4 hens from 11 chicks?

I thaught pullets were the name for young hens so i checked it on the web and pullets are hens under a year old.

If you bought them someone :censored: you or the 4 chicks mature faster.

I've had chicks before that were the same breed and age and looked different but in the end they were both hens.

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I know it does not seem many hen's from 11 egg's matey but it is by far not a failure :victory: ..i will be powering 2 octogan 20's up in a few day's with over 200 quail egg's double stacked and i will be more than pleased if i end up with half of them by the time of maturity..

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cheers for the replies :thumbs: . they now 36 days and seem to be doing alright off the heat. It looks like I only have 4 Hens from 11 :icon_eek:





Take it as you have 4 as a start, as they get a little older you see the scull shape change hens again is usually longer.


There is no hard and fast way to sex birds unless they are sex linked at birth ( cocks & hens diff colour) or they are sexed by a speciallist. There is a way where you look at the wing feathers when they hatch but only applies to a few breeds. Marans and barred breeds cocvks have white spot on head and can be lighter in feather colour. Generally hens feather faster than cocks.


A pullet is a female before it lays p to a year

A hen from there on


A cockerel is up to a year

A cock from there on

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