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i f****d up removing tick

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found a tick on the hob today,after removing one from the jills foot not long ago i was confident i could remove this one with the otom tick remover.in the end i f****d up this time and am sure the ticks head is still inside,its sunday and i plan to phone the vets tomorrow for advice but untill then i thought id ask here what can be done to help?

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Should be ok if it is not carrying anything. The issue is, that if they are carrying something, when you kill em, they spit out their insides back into the ferret. SHould be ok, as the ferrets will often scratch them off leaving the head. If you have some frontline, dab a bit of that onto it, apart from that, observe the ferret.

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Try not tae worry to much.. the main thing about the Autom is it stops the tick emptying into the host,, Keep an eye on the area and stick a wee drop germoline on it,(any antiseptic cream) yeh probably arnae auld enough tae mind oh germoline !! hahaha..

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