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starting a pup on the lamp

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took my 8 mouth old pup out to night just for a look more than any thing still a little young i know. but he just dose not seem to be seeing them is this the norm as he is realy starting to shine in the day is he still a bit on the young side for lamping or what :hmm:

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let the summer come and go richi,keep up the the training and the bonding with him then you will have a better dog to start on the lamp bud ;) as sept draws to a end hit the fields with him on the slip and lamp as the bunnies at this time will not be shy to the beam and should squat tight in the grass letting you walk right on to them,choose the one furtherst from cover or fence and hold him to the bunny makes a break for it,he shouldnt have much problem seeing them now bud,good luck with him

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Guest lamper/gatherer

give him time,still too young,run him to much he`ll damage tendons/ligaments,wont be any good for anything,let him grow up a bit more,wait til late summer when the dreaded myxy strikes then let him take a few of them,that`ll boost his confidence,once he`s catching there`ll be no stopping him.

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i used to go into my street and lamp cats with my torch or throw his fave toy ...after a few times the dog would naturally look down the beam,,and when your dog old enough to to lamp properly this will transfer from the cats to the rabbits,,its just a matter of time mate,,dont worry about it

scotty ;):drink:

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