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Guest Frank


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Guest Frank

Ok Folks, its moreless the end of the ferreting season, as young bunnys seem to be poping up here and their, unless your a pest controler, or in a place heaving with them. :D


For those who have got the Mk 3 this season, it would be great to hear your true experinces and opinions on this new locator. Prehaps compared to the MK 1 ect.


It took a wee bit of getting use to for me, but have moreless masterd it now and it is allways bang on target.

I have never used a Mk 1 before, so can not compare them.


So, your votes and experinces would be great. :good:


Cheers, :drink:



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Guest The Big Fish

The finder itself is ok, but they need to re-design the collar strap, had another collar slip off the other day (about the 4th or 5th time now) and yes before anyone says "was it on tight enough", IT WAS.


The strap needs to be thinner, perhaps shaped to accomodate the locater part, a bit like a greyound collar.

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been having the same problem with the collar strap coming of.i got the mrk3 finder box and two collars from ian hodge out of the countrymans weekly but one of the collars was a terrier collar so we had to cut the strap down but the actual buckle comes out sometimes on its own accord which loosens the collar and it comes of.has anyone else had this problem and do you think i will be able to send it back to debens for a new strap.the buckle on the terrier collar is different to the ferret collar.


good hunting



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I got a mk 3 this season and it took me a bit to get the hang of it but its way way better than the mk1.I was so impressed with it I gave my mk1 with 2 collars to a mate and never regretted it.When using the mk1 which I've had for at least 18 years(not the same 1 obviously)I always found after digging to a ferret I was never spot on the collar always a bit out.Now I can dig to the mk3 and be 2 inches out at most.I've taped the ferret collar onto a dog collar and dug to the dog too and have always been within a few inches of the dog.In my opinion its a superb bit of kit.I have no doubts the B&F is better but I'm not in a position to spend that kind of money at the moment and I dont feel I need to as the mk3 does the job for me.Regarding the mk3 collar slipping of the ferret,I had that experience too and the remedy was to make 2 extra holes in the collar,end of.What I want to see now is will the mk3 be like the mk1 in time and break down after a period of time.I have 2 or 3 mk1 boxes that gave up the ghost after a bit of use.It was cheaper to buy a new one than get it repaired,once the Irish money was changed to sterling the cost was a little too much.Time will tell if the mk3 is more robust than the mk1.

Edited by jigsaw
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Guest Frank

Thanks so far folks. :)


Sounds as if its neck and neck so far.


One thing that puzzles me is the fact that the price of the MK 1 on e.Bay. :icon_eek:


jigsaw, i too was told the same thing, that the Mk 1 was allways a wee bit out, compared to the new MK 3, which is spot on over the ferret. So far so good with the MK 3. ;)



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I also bought a mrk3 this season had a mrk1 for years before that, i`ve just got the hang of it and i think it`s great on top of the fert everytime, the olny thing like everone is the collar the mrk1 collars where far better they shouldn`t have changed them, i had one slip a collar only once mind but one of my collars has a mind of it`s own sometimes works somethimes not! :censored: i`ll have to get it sent back

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Guest Frank

Thanks folks. :)


I thought prehaps their would be a bit more responce, but, i think its been done to death a wee bit. :icon_redface:


As it was the end of the ferreting season, i just thought the MK 3 would be used to its full potential? :hmm:


Anymore out their with their experiences?



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I had a mk3,sold about a month later,could not get on with it at all,the noise used to drive me mad i put tape over and it still drove me mad,like somebody said it sounds like a mobile phone.The collors used to slip off the ferrets,and yes they where on tight.The collors where a pain to get the batteries in,then they were hold there with two little plastic hooks,which sometimes used to pop out.I am back with the mk1 now where i should have stayed in the first place.

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Guest Bigbob

Ive got six mk1 boxes and 14 old collars and i intend to run these into the ground before i even look at any new knocker box theres too many unanswered questions about the mk2 and mk3


Who tested them ??

Name them??

How long where they tested for ??

Where they given the gear free or did they buy it ???

Are they on Debens Payroll ??


The list goes on and on and i reckon its going to cost me the best part of £500 just to change my locator boxes and collars so im prepared to wait till some of my question get answered

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