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Hunting Down Under !

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I'm in Australia on family business, and contacted some of the hunting lads down here for a few days hunting. The lads off "OzzieDoggers" did me proud and took me out on saturday and are arranging som

This is the dog with Wolfhound in him; a big powerfull dog, takes all quarry he finds !     Cheers.

These two wouldn't look out of place in the U.K. Basicaly bred from generations of Lurcher to Lurcher;       Cheers.

These two were dispatched and we went on to flush some long grass on the margins of a stubble field. one of the Whippets flushed a small vixen into a rock pile and the terriers were entered. It was only a short way in, but we had to use the ute to move some of the bigger rocks, and she was drawn and dispatched.

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This one was dispatched and we went back to flushing the long grass. At the end of the strip the dogs put another fox into a rock pile and the terriers were entered. There were two at home and one bolted, to be dispatched in fine style by the Roo dog. The other was killed below ground by the terrier, who then proceded to get stuck !!! It was starting to get late now, so some of us went for a walk with the running dogs, where the Roo dog caught a couple of rabbits, a very versatile dog ! I was assured that both the Roo dog and the Stag would take kangaroo, if it were legal, but of course, it's ilegal, and all our hunting was done in strict accordance with Australian Law ! When we got back the terrier was still stuck, but we could see him, and we moved some big boulders with the ute, and had him out just before dark.

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A tremendous day out, with top dogs and lads who knew what they were doing !! I can't thank them enough, and hope I managed to keep up when walking and not getting in the way when digging, to maybe get another invite out !! LOL !!


Heres some random pics of the dogs and qarry;

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I also managed a bit of sight seeing, my wife and daughter took me up to the Dandeenong Ranges to see the wild parrots. These REALY are wild birds, and come down out the trees to eat seads out of your hand. Cockatoo's and Rosella's;






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