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Hunting Down Under !

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I'm in Australia on family business, and contacted some of the hunting lads down here for a few days hunting. The lads off "OzzieDoggers" did me proud and took me out on saturday and are arranging som

This is the dog with Wolfhound in him; a big powerfull dog, takes all quarry he finds !     Cheers.

These two wouldn't look out of place in the U.K. Basicaly bred from generations of Lurcher to Lurcher;       Cheers.

We had a great day out today with CP. I will let him post pictures and story. It was good to meet you mate, hope to catch up again for another hunt maybe?


Hi mate, thanks for a great days hunting !!! My daughters internet is down just now, I'm posting this from a freinds house. The pics came out great, I'll do a write up and put the pics up when she gets reconnected. I'd love another hunt, anytime !!



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I've had to buy a pre paid dongle and it's SO slow !! Anyhow, one of the lads from Ozziedoggers site picked me up at 5 am, and we drove a couple of hours west to meet up with three other guys from the site. We got there just as dawn was breaking. The quarry was fox, and we had a 'Roo dog, a Staghound, two Whippets and a pack of Jack Russels with us.

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The Land :

This was some of the biggest land I have ever seen !! Stubble and grass feilds as far as the eye could see; it reminded me of the American and Canadian plains, and made the Fens look about as big as my allotment ! LOL !

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The first place we tried was a flood plain with a spike grass gulley along it. The Stag was positioned at the end of the plain, the Whippets behind in case anything got by the Stag, and I was on the higher ground with the Roo dog. Two of the guys went into the spike grass with the terriers and shotgun and beat towards us. A fox broke cover onto the plain and I had a perfect view of the Stag coursing it. Another broke to the side of the Stag and a short course put the fox back into cover. Another broke behind the Stag, right in front of the Whippet, who were slipped but lost it in the spikes. We were running the Stag and Roo singly and the Whippets doubled up. Nothing broke towards me, but I had the best vantage point to watch the action !!

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We then moved on to do some dens and bolt some foxes with the terriers. The first den was in a pile of burried volcanic rocks; the farmers dig these out of their fields and either bury them or pile them up around the fields, they make pefect dens for the foxes, but hard work for the terriers and diggers ! There was a fox at home, but no way for us to get to it ! The next den was in an embankment of a dam, and much easier digging; and produced two foxes.

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