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Hunting Down Under !

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I'm in Australia on family business, and contacted some of the hunting lads down here for a few days hunting. The lads off "OzzieDoggers" did me proud and took me out on saturday and are arranging som

This is the dog with Wolfhound in him; a big powerfull dog, takes all quarry he finds !     Cheers.

These two wouldn't look out of place in the U.K. Basicaly bred from generations of Lurcher to Lurcher;       Cheers.

Chatting with some wildlife biologists who do surveys on my property, amongst a lot of others. Their records are showing three times the normal number of foxes this season. Rabbits in numbers and mice in huge numbers so it's not surprising that old bushy-tail is breeding well.


CP has chosen a good year to visit.


Rabbit vary locally according to the cycle of myxo and calici. They will breed up until one or other disease knocks them back again.

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Looking forward to meeting you Sunday CP. Hopefully we will get a fox to ground for you to have a dig. That tan bitch Pepa is a good dog, that dh x dog is one very good dog. The other young stag bitch is coming on nicely too. Hope to either bring out a few foxhounds from the local hunt club or a friend has a pack of mixed hounds etc that might come.


There are not huge numbers of foxes this year, with the drought most of the cover and swamps were eaten out by stock. Next year should be huge as there are swamps everywhere now. We have a bit of a mouse plague aswell so there is plenty of food about. But don't worry we should find a couple.

Edited by Gerard40
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Looking forward to meeting you Sunday CP. Hopefully we will get a fox to ground for you to have a dig. That tan bitch Pepa is a good dog, that dh x dog is one very good dog. The other young stag bitch is coming on nicely too. Hope to either bring out a few foxhounds from the local hunt club or a friend has a pack of mixed hounds etc that might come.


There are not huge numbers of foxes this year, with the drought most of the cover and swamps were eaten out by stock. Next year should be huge as there are swamps everywhere now. We have a bit of a mouse plague aswell so there is plenty of food about. But don't worry we should find a couple.


I'm realy looking forward to the weekend !! I travelled light and didn't expect the cold and rain, (even tho' my missus, who has been down here four month, warned me ! LOL !), so my daughter has had me out shopping today for a coat and hat !! Hope the rain keeps off, but I'm sure that won't affect a good days hunting ! Be good to meet you all !



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Looking forward to meeting you Sunday CP. Hopefully we will get a fox to ground for you to have a dig. That tan bitch Pepa is a good dog, that dh x dog is one very good dog. The other young stag bitch is coming on nicely too. Hope to either bring out a few foxhounds from the local hunt club or a friend has a pack of mixed hounds etc that might come.


There are not huge numbers of foxes this year, with the drought most of the cover and swamps were eaten out by stock. Next year should be huge as there are swamps everywhere now. We have a bit of a mouse plague aswell so there is plenty of food about. But don't worry we should find a couple.


I'm realy looking forward to the weekend !! I travelled light and didn't expect the cold and rain, (even tho' my missus, who has been down here four month, warned me ! LOL !), so my daughter has had me out shopping today for a coat and hat !! Hope the rain keeps off, but I'm sure that won't affect a good days hunting ! Be good to meet you all !



I no what you mean lol, me n a mate got off a bus at a place called griffith at 1 in the morning in there winter it was freezing and the hostel didnt open until 8am so we had to curl up in the bus stand until macdonalds opend at 6, jeez i remember it was freezing that night didnt get any shut eye, i had about 150 dollars to my name n my mate not much more we took a chance but luckily after about a week of beans on toast we found some work at a place called hillston so all worked out well n was well worth it after there traveld round for the next 7-8 month great times. :thumbs:

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I know Griffith and Hillston. Griffith is surrounded by orange plantations. Its also famous for the mafia. I have family up at hillston.


I was out on another part of the property, its 10000acres, on Sunday. We slipped and slid around all day and got a couple of foxes, its not supposed to be too cold but it might be wet and the wind can be very lazy!! The young huntsman from the local huntclub will be out with us, he is only out from the UK until your season starts i think.

Just bring your gumboots... Its real hard to get good cold and wet weather hunting gear down here, the people that come out from over there have some great gear. They reckon that your game fairs are good to get clothing from. I might have to save and come over for a bit of sport and go to a game fair.

Edited by Gerard40
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I know Griffith and Hillston. Griffith is surrounded by orange plantations. Its also famous for the mafia. I have family up at hillston.


I was out on another part of the property, its 10000acres, on Sunday. We slipped and slid around all day and got a couple of foxes, its not supposed to be too cold but it might be wet and the wind can be very lazy!! The young huntsman from the local huntclub will be out with us, he is only out from the UK until your season starts i think.

Just bring your gumboots... Its real hard to get good cold and wet weather hunting gear down here, the people that come out from over there have some great gear. They reckon that your game fairs are good to get clothing from. I might have to save and come over for a bit of sport and go to a game fair.


you better save up if your coming to our gamfairs,,, the cla gamefair was this weekend £24 per adult just to get in:censored: that must be $40 odd ozy

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love to be out their pall roo bashing if ever i won lotto id move their in a flash its my dream to live in out back near bilabong wi my dogs bashing the wild pigs and roo and not forgetting them fox you lucky git have good trip and leave me summit to hunt walabaloogi mate :thumbs::thumbs:

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are you down the bottom somwhere charts?? victoria???

i loved oz great country and people , great hunting as well, have a good un :thumbs:


I'm just outside Melbourne, Tomo. Been down here a few times, but wasn't on hunting sites then, and before digital cameras !LOL! I think we're going a couple of hours up north at the weekend, I'll make sure I take spare batteries for the camera !



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are you down the bottom somwhere charts?? victoria???

i loved oz great country and people , great hunting as well, have a good un :thumbs:


I'm just outside Melbourne, Tomo. Been down here a few times, but wasn't on hunting sites then, and before digital cameras !LOL! I think we're going a couple of hours up north at the weekend, I'll make sure I take spare batteries for the camera !




hopfully ile bump in to you at a show, when you get back,,, bring ya camera, ide like to see some of those pics :thumbs: good idea that i better get on ozy doggers, for when i go over next time :D mind you the mrs wants to go right up the east coast next time and round the top, so i dowt ile see many rabbits.


nice down that bottom end,,, although i didn't realy like melbourn,, but once out the city it was nice, drove round the great ocean road to addalade, appolo bay was real nice , infact all those litte towns down there.


get some more pics up mate

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