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fight night

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any predictions for tonights fights anyone? im hoping chisora will beat tyson fury, but wouldnt like to put my money on it :laugh: .. think it should be a good fight. and im also hoping kahn gets beat, his last 2 fights he hasnt been up to much and zab judah must be at the end of his carreer now, so kahn should be able to win, still like to see him ko,d tho

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Watching it now and being honest not a major boxing fan BUT...do they not look too have a high body fat percentage? I also think a lot of the punches don't seem too actually be hard hitting punches...before people moan I'm not saying I'd knock em out or anything like that but even as far as jabs go a lot of the punches look tired :/.


All the fight has done so far has made me look more forward too seeing jimi manuwa go at it with nick chapman :) mma fans will know.

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Didn't watch the fight, but given the current poor state of the heavyweight division I reckon even big Frank Bruno would be unified & undisputed champion over the lot of them if he was in his prime amongst the current crop.. :yes:

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