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im a falconer and i fly a gyr x saker and a female harris hawk. i intend to buy some quail this weekend to breed and when the chicks are grown they will be killed and used as food for my hawks. no i know quail are bad parents and i have no intentions of buying an incubator, instead, according to my dad, a bantam will hatch them.

so here are my questions;

1. is he right?

2. how much should i expect to pay for a bantam?

3. any tips?

my dad has kept chickens before so im not just buying something without experience (falconers frown on that sort of thing)

thankyou in advance :thumbs:

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Hi £15 for 3 alive?? thats dear!! I can get them for £2 a bird sometimes cheaper alive!!. A chap i know sells quail eggs £1.50 for 12!! Also i can get quail chicks as hatched for peanuts! For hatching urself get a silkie cross light sussex (GOLDY TOP) there the best broodys i can get them also!! you would be looking at £5-8 per hen, Problem with a pure silkie is that chicks get strangled in the feathers when hatched thats why u breed goldy tops. Or another option is get a white silkie cock and some light sussex bantam pullets when hatched there sex linked pullets are darker than cocks!! keep the pullets and give the cocks to the hawk! then keep what pullets you want and sell the rest you should get £15 each easy!!

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