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Some right heartless c**ts on here.....either that or you,s have led immaculate squeeky clean lives...... I detest junkies as much as anyone else but i accept folk go through rough times,having wealt

Oh FFS were all a victim these days!. What the f**k happened to personal responsibility?   Sheas a grown woman not a f*****g kid?   No one forced her to jag herself and were all supposed to feel s

Live by the sword, Die by the sword. She knew the possible consequences of her life-style. Self inflicted as opposed to those poor souls taken in Norway.

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If all the stories about the availability of drugs and pressures in that industry are true which im sure they are, i dont see how someone with a weakness in that area wouldnt end up down that route to be honest. All these people saying its just the same as a robbing baghead on the street are a bit ignorant if you ask me, street bagheads dont have their bosses pushing it on them, the pressures of fame and virtually endless cash available. She was fecked the minute she showed talent and signed up to a label, if she had a normal life that addiction would probably never have developed. But shes not the first and she wont be the last.......RIP! such a shame.

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:thumbs: One less skaghead less :toast:

i hope no one in your family has to deal with addiction,toasting the death of a young women,you are a total f****n tosser , :feck: :wankerzo4:



Well ive got a sister that is one and the sooner she's in a hole the better no good to no one so stick that up your arse :feck:

well your a bigger tosser than i originally thought,wishing your sister dead :shok:

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she has an addictive personality and was always insecure about her looks that she was some britney spears hence she always drank and had eating disorders ..but i read an interveiw with her ex husband once and he openly said all she did was smoke weed till she met him ..he got her into hard drugs then with her personality and endless supply of cash she ended up worse than him..sometimes lots of money when your young isnt best idea..i always think too juch money for anyone can be a curse sometimes ..so if i win lotto big time i'l give alot away so if i do pm me yer details ..lol :tongue2:

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:thumbs: One less skaghead less :toast:

i hope no one in your family has to deal with addiction,toasting the death of a young women,you are a total f****n tosser , :feck: :wankerzo4:



Well ive got a sister that is one and the sooner she's in a hole the better no good to no one so stick that up your arse :feck:

well your a bigger tosser than i originally thought,wishing your sister dead :shok:


Every single one of them with no Exceptions i could tell you many stroies but i wont :feck:

Edited by christian71
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Some folk speaking like they knew her and others like she was a serial killer it's a tragedy same when it is when anyone goes before their time. As far as I'm aware she never hurt anyone except her family and doesn't deserve some of the comments that have been posted. There are just some people that you know are not destined to live long fruitful lives she's not the first and won't be the last. At the very least no matter your views on drugs it's sometimes better to say nowt. No doubt the hangers on will be falling over themselves to speak to the media over the next few weeks and it will be a difficult time for her family....whatever happened to compassion..? :blink:

Edited by undisputed
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Some folk speaking like they knew her and others like she was a serial killer it's a tragedy same when it is when anyone goes before their time. As far as I'm aware she never hurt anyone except her family and doesn't deserve some of the comments that have been posted. There are just some people that you know are not destined to live long fruitful lives she's not the first and won't be the last. At the very least no matter your views on drugs it's sometimes better to say nowt. No doubt the hangers on will be falling over themselves to speak to the media over the next few weeks and it will be a difficult time for her family....whatever happened to compassion..? :blink:







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Addicts come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life..........what defines an addict is whether they're willing to make the choice of carrying on,lots of addicts get stuck in a mind set that theres no way out.Addicts can and do change there lives but they've got to make the choice for themselves not for family,friends etc.........if they can't/won't make that choice then sadly when it ends like this the fault is nobodies except there own!

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Addicts come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life..........what defines an addict is whether they're willing to make the choice of carrying on,lots of addicts get stuck in a mind set that theres no way out.Addicts can and do change there lives but they've got to make the choice for themselves not for family,friends etc.........if they can't/won't make that choice then sadly when it ends like this the fault is nobodies except there own!

well said that man! :thumbs:

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Some folk speaking like they knew her and others like she was a serial killer it's a tragedy same when it is when anyone goes before their time. As far as I'm aware she never hurt anyone except her family and doesn't deserve some of the comments that have been posted. There are just some people that you know are not destined to live long fruitful lives she's not the first and won't be the last. At the very least no matter your views on drugs it's sometimes better to say nowt. No doubt the hangers on will be falling over themselves to speak to the media over the next few weeks and it will be a difficult time for her family....whatever happened to compassion..? :blink:








Whit what?

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all i no is things are never as black and white as some may think :thumbs:

Your right mate but the fact of the matter is, and probably whats more annoying is that she was graced with a talent and chose to go down the wrong path. She wasn't a silly girl, she knew the downfalls of drugs and chose to ignore them. Imagine having half the chances she has had in life....would you waste them...?.. :hmm:

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