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Some right heartless c**ts on here.....either that or you,s have led immaculate squeeky clean lives...... I detest junkies as much as anyone else but i accept folk go through rough times,having wealt

Oh FFS were all a victim these days!. What the f**k happened to personal responsibility?   Sheas a grown woman not a f*****g kid?   No one forced her to jag herself and were all supposed to feel s

Live by the sword, Die by the sword. She knew the possible consequences of her life-style. Self inflicted as opposed to those poor souls taken in Norway.

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I wonder if her ex (Blake) will be at the funeral? Her old man hated his guts i saw a program on them when Blake was in prison and apparently it was Blake that got her into the drugs in the 1st place, can you imagine being her father with that piece os sh*te walking the planet.


edited to add:- I truly think she was one of the best singers this country hs produced, she was unfortunatey just a car crash waiting to happen RIP

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I feel for her loved ones, but I don't feel too much or nothing for her. She had a talent and the opportunity some of us could only dream of having. I know everything isn't just black and white, but the odds are her selfishness has caused her loved ones pain like she couldn't even imagine.

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Had the money, had the help, had the support.........chose not to take it and now dead. Sorry but self-inflicted!!!

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