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Ive thought long and hard about this , thinking maybe i should come up with a meaningful , honest , view of the regrets in my life .


I have none . I regret nothing ive done . I often think things could have been different , maybe i should have madethem different , but i did`nt . At the time i did what was right , and i was being true to myself and my feelings . The outcomes are not always as we would like , but we are all responsible for our actions . I would change a few things about myself though , or maybe im mellowing with age ? I am unable to bite my tongue when its needed most and if i feel ive been `wronged` i can hold a grudge untill hell freezes over . I can easily hold people at arms length , and people that are very close to me are very few in number , again , my choise . But thats just me . Ive always made my own decisions , and stood on my own two feet . Do i regret who i am and what ive done ? No . Maybe i should make the effort to be a bit `softer` round the edges .......


sounds like your describeing me there :laugh:

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Ive thought long and hard about this , thinking maybe i should come up with a meaningful , honest , view of the regrets in my life .   I have none . I regret nothing ive done . I often think things

Regrets..ive had a few but then again.. too few to mention

got i few .. i was close to my grandad missed his funeral to work away an earn a few quid i know what he would have wanted me to do but aint the same .. packing up boxing , not buying a remote cottag

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Ive thought long and hard about this , thinking maybe i should come up with a meaningful , honest , view of the regrets in my life .


I have none . I regret nothing ive done . I often think things could have been different , maybe i should have madethem different , but i did`nt . At the time i did what was right , and i was being true to myself and my feelings . The outcomes are not always as we would like , but we are all responsible for our actions . I would change a few things about myself though , or maybe im mellowing with age ? I am unable to bite my tongue when its needed most and if i feel ive been `wronged` i can hold a grudge untill hell freezes over . I can easily hold people at arms length , and people that are very close to me are very few in number , again , my choise . But thats just me . Ive always made my own decisions , and stood on my own two feet . Do i regret who i am and what ive done ? No . Maybe i should make the effort to be a bit `softer` round the edges .......


sounds like your describeing me there :laugh:

and me ...

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Despite some of the awful things I've been through - and there are a good few of those - the only regret I have is not learning to drive when I was younger.


Everything that's happened to me has happened for a reason, in hindsight, and it's put me where I am today... happy with my lot, tho there's not a lot that I have. I do have good friends, great kids, and a good man. Don't need much more than that.



Can you drive now? If not, make it your next project!

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I read that Gem , you surley stronger than most , god bless


not strong just stubborn.

yeah sorry bout your loss...just shows can moan about anything but health and family is what counts we have to appreciate what you have you never know when u mite loose it :yes:

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I think we all have regrets of some sort BUT you only get one shot at this life so enjoy what you can from it, Iregret wasting giving time, money and any scrap of emotion to a couple of people, my life has changed dramatically over the last few years but i'm now happier than i have been despite less money, smaller house etc etc, as you get older you realise your partner, family, great friends and lifestyle are all you need..........


Best not to dwell on regrets, you can't change it, i have my kids, partner, some great friends, my dogs and touch wood my health, anything else is a bonus :thumbs:

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Wished I'd done a few things differently, but then again things you do good or bad , daft or clever make us who we are, and if others don't like me, well thats there loss, as long as you learn by your mistakes and not daft enough to repeat them.


life is for living not regretting :victory:

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