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mounting razer dot for range finder

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hi all is it ok to mount a razer dot to the side of your scope, to use as a range finder, as i cant fit it to the top as there is no room with the lamp on.

...................................I mounted a laser under my barrel .I use it for night shooting .It has only a short range where the laser and the pellet are zeroed .It is a problem ,but if you wish to use your laser as a ranger finder it may be better . The scope and the laser are ferther apart giving a larger gap to mesure, giving greater accurace when judging distance.Also having the laser on your barrel and your scope on the top of the gun. both sights in different places.If one sight is out. by looking at your zero piont if a sights is out you know .If the laser is mounted on the scope. The scope could move along with the laser.To check you zero you will have to shoot a few shots in a controled area no wind ,nice rest ect.

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I use a laseron my rifle as a range finder alot for lamping and its very effective.


Best under the barrel to give a greater angle from the scopes LOS.



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