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b*****d horse people

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Stupid b*****d's!

They think,they are driving fuccking artic lorries,stuck

in the middle of the road with their jeep's and HORSEBOX driving

at 30 mph,leaving no room to let anyone pass.

Afraid of their own fuccking shit is what's wrong with them!

If they went to more than two or three shows a year,they might be able to drive the

fuccking things.

Dont get me started on reversing them :icon_eek:


Anyone else find this problem?




Sorry about this [normal people]

Edited by Cueball
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Ah hate horses,, cause every other f****n farm up here is given over tae livery,,!! and it gets right oan ma tits!!! "oohhh dinnae shoot there!!!!",,, :censored:



ah dinnae really hate the horses!! jist the horsey faced c**ts that have them !!!!!lol !! non inclusive of course,,, I`m sure theres some nice ones,,,

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They do my f****n swede in......if i drive my car through a field will they slow down for me,will they f**k.....they dont pay tax to use the road but the cheeky c**ts want you to slow down for them.....lovely animals underneath dopey prats most of the time !

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Ah hate horses,, cause every other f****n farm up here is given over tae livery,,!! and it gets right oan ma tits!!! "oohhh dinnae shoot there!!!!",,, :censored:



ah dinnae really hate the horses!! jist the horsey faced c**ts that have them !!!!!lol !! non inclusive of course,,, I`m sure theres some nice ones,,,




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I don't like the fact that us dog walkers get a 1000 pound fine if we leave are dogs shit about but them fings Shit more than what I way an get sweet fack all

nail on the head there :thumbs: mine dont shit when i am out thats what i say :laugh:

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I`m sure theres some nice ones,,,

ive yet to find one yet that isnt got there head stuck up ther own arse :thumbs:

haha think my heads on my neck not in my arse... :tongue2:

like i say ive not met one yet but im sure yours is in the right place :thumbs:

yeah well i think is on my head but u know sometimes on here i smell alot of shit so who knows maybe is up my arse... :tongue2: ..but guess is like dogs you know the idiots that give good dog owners bad name its same with horses ..we arent all stuck up and ride 2 a breast on busy roads yapping causing traffic jams...always idiots any walk of life :wallbash::thumbs:

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It's the ignorance of some of them when you do slow down and don't get so much as a thankyou wave!!



It's fun in a waggon tho.........cos you had to slow down on the brakes and use the gears the air starts to build up again as you're waiting to get past them then all of a sudden the valve blows off and makes the horses jump like feck :laugh: and they think you did it on purpose :whistling:

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