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New guy never hunted before

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Hi all im jamie,


I have a dog (milow) who is a cross breed lurcher. He is the most energetic dog i have ever owned or come across so far. He's around 8 months old and i want to try hunting rabbit with him.

I have never been hunting before in my life, but it has always interested me.

so... Im here to hopefully get some help on where to start.


Is milow old enough to start now?

How do i train him to actually chase and kill the rabbit, or do i just take him to a field and hope his instincts take over.


Im sorry if i sound like a complete noob but i really want to learn.

Any feedback is much appreciated

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well he is old enough just now.does he show an interest in the bunnies when you have him out?does he chase them?.also before you think of letting him chase rabbits,is he stock broken?best thing would be to go out with someone who has a working lurcher and let your dog see what its all about.im sure there some lads on here that are kind enough to let you tag along one time and you can see how your dog reacts.good luck anyway mate :thumbs:

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Welcome aboard! :good::bye:


Just a quick one as it's in the welcome section, but the one thing you want with a working lurcher is a 100% guaranteed recall. - You need to ensure that that dog will come back to you every time it's called. There's nothing worse than owning a dog that will end up 1/2 mile away from you every time you let it's lead off and won't come back! :laugh:


Try starting a thread in the Lurcher section. Don't be put off by the type of threads that are already in there, there are some really good dog people who will go out of their way to give you good advice. The whole 'culture' of the section can tend to put people off from posting in there if they are new to the scene, but once you get to know the way things are in there you'll understand that 99% of the seemingly bitchy posts in there are nothing more than heated banter.



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Great post by Malt.


We should get someone to flag that so that it comes up as advice before anybody considers reading a thread or posting in the lurcher section. You do get some good advice there but you do need either a brass neck or a conscience like a duck's back.


Hi and welcome Jamie! If you let us know which area you live in I'm sure there'll be others as helpful as Skycat. :thumbs:

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Wow thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

Ilive in the Bradford area of west yorkshire.


I took my dog through the wooded area near my house where we see rabbits all the time.

He is always curious about what they are and tries to get to them but i have been scared to let him off the leash xD

Im going to post in the section you advised now so i dont clutter the welcome thread.

thanks again everyone

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