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hey lads


i know how some of you out there love a nice piece of oiled wood :tongue2: so heres my hw100kt stripped and with its first coat of BC tru oil.


steps i took:


1: remove stock and fittings from gun.


2: remove old finish using nitromors, wash with soapy water and allow stock to dry


3: rub down with 240 grit sandpaper, then 340, then fine steel wool until surface is smooth


4: then cleaned the stock with a dry paintbrush and rag to brush away loose sandpaper & steel wool


5: then used BC sealer & filler and brushed it over the stock


6: once dry i sanded the stock down again with 340 grit & fine steel wool


7: brushed it with dry brush & rag


8: then applied the tru oil evenly over the stock and hung to dry


9: to be continued....






first coat of try oil:




any tips on a beautiful finish would be great.






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Tip I was given by a stock maker and i've always stuck to it and that is to apply the oil with your hand and get your hand and the oil hot using friction from rubbing it in. So basically, pour the oil into the palm of your hand and rub it getting your hand warm. Use lots of thin coats to build up a deep finish. Its tiring but the results are worth it.

P.S, looking good so far mate!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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