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Right guys, was out walking my dog Duke on monday night and he jamp a 4ft fence which had a bit of a drop on the other side but managed it perfect, well so a thought. The last couple of days ive now noticed that when he's sitting or standing he's always lifting his left front foot, he is fine when walking and running about like usuall its just when he's stopped. Ive had a feel about and he doesnt seem stressed when i am so im puzzled. Whats your view, muscle damage maybe. Im giving him a few days rest and will be taking him bushing rabbits on sunday, but if hes not any better will be vets monday !!. let me know what yous think. Thanks


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Right guys, was out walking my dog Duke on monday night and he jamp a 4ft fence which had a bit of a drop on the other side but managed it perfect, well so a thought. The last couple of days ive now noticed that when he's sitting or standing he's always lifting his left front foot, he is fine when walking and running about like usuall its just when he's stopped. Ive had a feel about and he doesnt seem stressed when i am so im puzzled. Whats your view, muscle damage maybe. Im giving him a few days rest and will be taking him bushing rabbits on sunday, but if hes not any better will be vets monday !!. let me know what yous think. Thanks


If he's running about then theres nothing to worry about. If you give his paw a squeeze and he doesn't yelp or try and pull away then theres nothing in the pad. Probably just jarred it and when sitting he's feeling sorry about himself...... :thumbs: If it persists then a quick check at the vet wont do any harm.... :thumbs:

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He's maybe sprained a joint: his wrist possibly. I've seen people sprain their ankles badly landing awkwardly after jumping. A sprain happens when the joint is subjected to severe force in the wrong direction: like when you turn your ankle. Bad sprains can take months to heal: tendons and ligaments aren't easily damaged but take ages to recover once injured. Lead work only for a couple of weeks, then see how he uses it when given a quick run. If it is still painful then its likely to be a bad sprain. If you can find a vet that actually knows about this sort of thing: usually a greyhound vet, then take the dog there for diagnosis.


Ice packs on the affected joint twice a day can help reduce inflammation. Zhen Gu Shui, a human preparation for joint sprains and tendons problems, can help if applied once a day for a few days, but don't overdo it as too much can cause skin changes: I use it 3 times a week for a fortnight, then leave it a week, then the same as the first week and so on. It is a plant based analgesic and much safer than pumping the dog full of pain killers.


Get a correct diagnosis and management strategy in the first place then you'll know just how to treat the problem rather than relying on guess work which might not even be the correct diagnosis.

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