x38 179 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 ......has eney of you hancock lads ask him to take a pup back or swap one ???? .and i bet this Q dont get a honest answer ... but if thats the standard of dog you lads are happy with crack on ............it your cash at the end of the day ....so have fun with them yes i have ,, i had a pup from him in the ,s it had a problem with its shoulder at about 7 months old turned out to be a degenarative form of arthritis .. i had the pup pts got a report from the vet in coleshill, demanderd another pup from him and he gave me one . a bitch sh was fine and a good worker 1/2 cross collie /grey and there it is had to demand a pup not ........not fech it back and get take another of this owne back ....... thanks for the honesty Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 Undisputed , do us all a favour and go eat some more road kill you muppet , horses for corses and what would you no about my dogs we don't al run rabbits like you do your just a keyboard warrior , and what difference does it make what I wear??? just for the record the topic says hancock dogs correct and your input on this topic is aabout as much use as a chocolae fireguard now go watch jeremy kyle with your tribe of inbreeds No hancock fan myself.But Undis Blaze was the best fox dog I have seen.Yes it was Hancock. Link to post
riohog 5,793 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 ......has eney of you hancock lads ask him to take a pup back or swap one ???? .and i bet this Q dont get a honest answer ... but if thats the standard of dog you lads are happy with crack on ............it your cash at the end of the day ....so have fun with them yes i have ,, i had a pup from him in the ,s it had a problem with its shoulder at about 7 months old turned out to be a degenarative form of arthritis .. i had the pup pts got a report from the vet in coleshill, demanderd another pup from him and he gave me one . a bitch sh was fine and a good worker 1/2 cross collie /grey and there it is had to demand a pup not ........not fech it back and get take another of this owne back ....... thanks for the honesty if i had taken it back it would have been in a sack!!. Link to post
johnny boy68 11,726 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 I run to dogs a 5/8 3/8 bull grey and a 1st cross thanks why it concerns you I'd like to no as the topic asked views on hancocks not what I run , You have to run two dogs that first x will be as slow as a week in the jail...bet you wear trackies and white trainers as well so all half cross bull lurchers are slow, is top speed everything in a lurcher ?? surely if it was not many folks would keep half cross collies either because they are not exactly speed machines either are they and saying every bull cross owner wears trackies and trainers as well thats like saying every collie cross owner wears rolled down wellies a flat cap and a lumber jack shirt get a grip fella its obvious ye keep hancock dogs and just because someone says there poor or aint seen a good 1 ye dont have to play the stero type card,ive owned a hancock dog and never will again it was very poor and ive seen a few work and they were either poor or average at best am sure there is some good ones out there but i am pretty sure theres not many and the ones that are have been a result of good entering of decent dog men as ye can hardly say its in the breeding with hancock as even the man himself will tell ye its not,they are not tested workers or line bred worker to worker and i do belive those factors contribute to a high percentage of litter wasteage or poor workers if ye will and before any of ye collie/grey boys wanna jump on and say its because i am a bull/grey owner etc ye wrong i dont own a bull/greyhound i am simply saying it as i see it Your right about the entering statement Hedz.........so many think they can buy a collie x and because of the collies intelligence they think they've not got to put much work in where in fact in my experience its the opposite.To bring the hunting side out of a Hancock/collie x needs dedication and hard work and sadly some dog people are not willing to put that work in,which in turn relates to the dogs getting bad press. I know its not the point here but take bull x's theres a lot of good dogs out there but them good ones are out-numbered greatly by the bad ones but I wouldn't be so naive to say all bull x's are crap because they're not and imo the same principle applies to Hancock dogs. Link to post
riohog 5,793 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 I run to dogs a 5/8 3/8 bull grey and a 1st cross thanks why it concerns you I'd like to no as the topic asked views on hancocks not what I run , You have to run two dogs that first x will be as slow as a week in the jail...bet you wear trackies and white trainers as well so all half cross bull lurchers are slow, is top speed everything in a lurcher ?? surely if it was not many folks would keep half cross collies either because they are not exactly speed machines either are they and saying every bull cross owner wears trackies and trainers as well thats like saying every collie cross owner wears rolled down wellies a flat cap and a lumber jack shirt get a grip fella its obvious ye keep hancock dogs and just because someone says there poor or aint seen a good 1 ye dont have to play the stero type card,ive owned a hancock dog and never will again it was very poor and ive seen a few work and they were either poor or average at best am sure there is some good ones out there but i am pretty sure theres not many and the ones that are have been a result of good entering of decent dog men as ye can hardly say its in the breeding with hancock as even the man himself will tell ye its not,they are not tested workers or line bred worker to worker and i do belive those factors contribute to a high percentage of litter wasteage or poor workers if ye will and before any of ye collie/grey boys wanna jump on and say its because i am a bull/grey owner etc ye wrong i dont own a bull/greyhound i am simply saying it as i see it Your right about the entering statement Hedz.........so many think they can buy a collie x and because of the collies intelligence they think they've not got to put much work in where in fact in my experience its the opposite.To bring the hunting side out of a Hancock/collie x needs dedication and hard work and sadly some dog people are not willing to put that work in,which in turn relates to the dogs getting bad press. I know its not the point here but take bull x's theres a lot of good dogs out there but them good ones are out-numbered greatly by the bad ones but I wouldn't be so naive to say all bull x's are crap because they're not and imo the same principle applies to Hancock dogs. thats true but you cant make a silk purce, out of a sow,s ear . 1 Link to post
coney clucky 93 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 some people just cant grasp it ok hancock is breeder of many pups year in year out but if he selling them then their must be a market also he been doing it for years so he must be doing something right or he be soon out of pocket the people who knock him are the people who cant train apup as after all the saying is if the pup turns out shite you only got yourself to blame how many of us on here can honestly say a fault in our dogs ability was down to mistakes we our self made and not blame the breeder or the dog not many most of us at sometime or other want to breed our dogs and the surplus is sold on if pups dont make the grade then who would you blame my guess would be the blame would be put straight on the person who obtained a pup of you not knowing fck all and doing it all wrong not you the breeder hancock sells dogs which he believes will do the job you want them for and the breed you get is 100 per cent the breed you asked for its easy to blame breeder for pup not making the grade but a lot harder to admityour failings as a trainer speak as you find not as others tell you and my personal view is the 2 dogs that ive had of hancock were pre ban best fur teeth and owt else you cared to put them on id owned in the 90s rip tarn and socks Link to post
riohog 5,793 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 some people just cant grasp it ok hancock is breeder of many pups year in year out but if he selling them then their must be a market also he been doing it for years so he must be doing something right or he be soon out of pocket the people who knock him are the people who cant train apup as after all the saying is if the pup turns out shite you only got yourself to blame how many of us on here can honestly say a fault in our dogs ability was down to mistakes we our self made and not blame the breeder or the dog not many most of us at sometime or other want to breed our dogs and the surplus is sold on if pups dont make the grade then who would you blame my guess would be the blame would be put straight on the person who obtained a pup of you not knowing fck all and doing it all wrong not you the breeder hancock sells dogs which he believes will do the job you want them for and the breed you get is 100 per cent the breed you asked for its easy to blame breeder for pup not making the grade but a lot harder to admityour failings as a trainer speak as you find not as others tell you and my personal view is the 2 dogs that ive had of hancock were pre ban best fur teeth and owt else you cared to put them on id owned in the 90s rip tarn and socks you say if the pup turns out shite its your own fault bollox.. if you got a bad one in the first place your f,,ked look at my last post on the 2 i had . was that my fault .. they were riddled with desiese . dont think so mr, he replaced the pup so he addmitted liability Link to post
THE MAN 9 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 From what i can make out this hancocks puts non worker to non worker year in year out so the worker has bin bred out of it and you carnt denie this the good workers have gone back in the `s .......SO why do we look for the best worker to worker we can find if it down to the man on the other end of the lead... Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 Boils my piss seeing how many dogs thats being past from piller to post on this site.If you dont have the time or knowledge to train a pup.Find an other hobby. Link to post
nighteyes 275 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 imo if joe public wanted a dog to go out and catch a few rabbits with now and again then any lurcher x where ever it comes from hancock where ever if brought on abit right will do the job but its the same old story everybodys standards are different and one mans meat is another mans poison, Link to post
bird 10,006 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 Just for the record, i KNOW he breeds / has bred some very good dogs, the quality of the dogs isn't my issue, it's just that the man keeps dogs soley to breed, most of them never feel grass under their feet and are just used to pump out as many pups as possible. spot on , you could get a good dog from him, as ive seen couple that were good rabbit dogs, and one which was 1/4 b/b 3/4 grey was good on fox+hares.But as above why really by a pup of parents that never seen+or catch a rabbit.i would rather get a pup of dogs that go out and hunt, ok you can get shit any where, but you in with a better chance from dogs that have seen+run stuff, than stuck in kennels 24/7 Link to post
KittleRox 2,147 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 ......has eney of you hancock lads ask him to take a pup back or swap one ???? .and i bet this Q dont get a honest answer ... but if thats the standard of dog you lads are happy with crack on ............it your cash at the end of the day ....so have fun with them yes i have ,, i had a pup from him in the ,s it had a problem with its shoulder at about 7 months old turned out to be a degenarative form of arthritis .. i had the pup pts got a report from the vet in coleshill, demanded another pup from him and he gave me one . a bitch sh was fine and a good worker 1/2 cross collie /grey also i had a 5/8 3/8 dog died at 5 auto imune syndrome .. .. bad luck/// or dodgy breeding take your pick!!!! Mate had a dog from him in the ,s as well,same arthritis, pts 18 months. Link to post
theferreter 311 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 been out in the feild with two hancock bitches a few times and they wernt bad on rabbits Link to post
undisputed 1,664 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 Undisputed , do us all a favour and go eat some more road kill you muppet , horses for corses and what would you no about my dogs we don't al run rabbits like you do your just a keyboard warrior , and what difference does it make what I wear??? just for the record the topic says hancock dogs correct and your input on this topic is aabout as much use as a chocolae fireguard now go watch jeremy kyle with your tribe of inbreeds And yours has been what exactly your typical of the majority of Hancock naysayers nothing positive to say and very little knowledge of the subject. As far as I'm concerned your a messer and a fanny. And I know about as much about your dogs as you do mine so we're even on that score. Link to post
undisputed 1,664 Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 I run to dogs a 5/8 3/8 bull grey and a 1st cross thanks why it concerns you I'd like to no as the topic asked views on hancocks not what I run , You have to run two dogs that first x will be as slow as a week in the jail...bet you wear trackies and white trainers as well so all half cross bull lurchers are slow, is top speed everything in a lurcher ?? surely if it was not many folks would keep half cross collies either because they are not exactly speed machines either are they and saying every bull cross owner wears trackies and trainers as well thats like saying every collie cross owner wears rolled down wellies a flat cap and a lumber jack shirt get a grip fella its obvious ye keep hancock dogs and just because someone says there poor or aint seen a good 1 ye dont have to play the stero type card,ive owned a hancock dog and never will again it was very poor and ive seen a few work and they were either poor or average at best am sure there is some good ones out there but i am pretty sure theres not many and the ones that are have been a result of good entering of decent dog men as ye can hardly say its in the breeding with hancock as even the man himself will tell ye its not,they are not tested workers or line bred worker to worker and i do belive those factors contribute to a high percentage of litter wasteage or poor workers if ye will and before any of ye collie/grey boys wanna jump on and say its because i am a bull/grey owner etc ye wrong i dont own a bull/greyhound i am simply saying it as i see it No I was doing what fannybaws was doing and generalising I'm sure you have very nice dogs Link to post
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