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pre ban foxhunting with the wrecking crew

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cracking pics lads ,did the crew do much daytime foxing

Yes these lads did loads of daytime foxing and used their PIE bred dogs for what they where bred for "FOXES". They didnt feck about local on bunnies, they got out and travelled.

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broke round mouth on this'' turned out to be 13ft.. :sick:..   two good dogs''   heres a roe' caught alive' by the lad' holding it'' just dove on it streight out the van' we put it over

thay dont catch them in there area mate'' lol therse a lot ov time driving traveling n fuel all put int there catch rates'' wev drove 4 hours many times befour a lamp was even turned on''

here here real hunters not no keyboard hunters like a lot on here

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25 minutes tidying thread, fecking retarded member gone, busher, what you had posted about was pre-ban and perfectly legal. Lets keep it simple lads..............

understand what ur saying mate'' it was all pre' ban.. CORECT... but if he wasnt an.. ANTI'.... i will show my arse' iv been in this game'' far to long to be taken in with a c**t like that...... ATB..B


P.S thanks for cleaning the thredd back up... :good:

Edited by busher
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""HES AN ANTI" Please Busher" DONT"get your arse out, Ive just looked at some photos of you on another hunting site.After looking at the one of a fellow biting your shoulder and you putting your hand down the back of his Y fronts !!! i dreed to imagine what your rear end looks like !!! lol ATB steve

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""HES AN ANTI" Please Busher" DONT"get your arse out, Ive just looked at some photos of you on another hunting site.After looking at the one of a fellow biting your shoulder and you putting your hand down the back of his Y fronts !!! i dreed to imagine what your rear end looks like !!! lol ATB steve

i think u mean FACE IN THE HOLE PICS .. that my mate put on'' :D .... glad uv took intrest' mr cockburn' soz' COGBURN... ATB.. BUSHER..

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Guest blitz
:yahoo::hunter::guitar: :11:yet again green eyed monster has risen its ugly head..and idiots posting video links of nothing to do with this video.now if it was 1 dog killing 5 there would be people saying dog had to much blah ,blah blah.doubled or singled the dogs done what they were bred for.i,ve seen the albums with my own eyes and they have nothing to prove to anybody on here..would all the slagging off be done if someone fetches a good lamping rabbits dvd out.. :hmm: they would be some fxcker who would have something to say...now believe me there is a lot worse hunting foxes dvds out there...using 5 and 6 lurchers to catch foxes in daylight...and people on here have seen it ..an old man told me years ago ..get a whippet and catch as many rabbits as you can ,people will just leave you alone ..get a fox dog and you will be amongst some very jelous people ...
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did any of the wrecking crew own a 28 inch fawn coloured dog called bow , looked like a bull/grey with maybe a dash of collie in it , it had a thicker coat on back of neck a quick dog had seen a bit ??? long shot

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  • 2 weeks later...

finally got on macky too have a look at the pictures. their is some crackers on their mate. got too say i have been out with macky and his mates a few times now and they are a decent bunch of lads just mad for lamping and have some realy good top class dogs


atb for this season lads

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  • 3 months later...

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