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Right lads and lasses (might I add) in 5 weeks I'm getting a pat cross jrt from a good mate of mine which have proven sire and dam! The pup is actually for my missus because Iv'e already got a 7 month old lurcher to keep my hands full. Now with the permision of the missus I will be taking the pup out next season for some bushing and ratting I know Iv'e got a lot of time on my hands because the pup will be 8 weeks old when I have her!


I was just wondering at what kind of age do I start training!


I will obviously post at a later date after reading books and so on as to training for bushing and ratting but just curious on the age that you lot start your training!!





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If you are walking the pup over ground with any cover ,brambles,gorse, nettle's, heather,etc,the dog will naturally want to investigate.As for age,there's no hard and fast rule's,some dog's are game earlier than others,usually at least 6 month's before you should show them a rat.Seen young dog's ruined by being thrown in at the deep end to early,one good bite in the wrong place,and the dog might throw the towel in before he's even started.hth,Bill

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The Reason I wasn't asking for advice on earthwork is basically because the missus would kill me if her little baby got smashed up!! On all Accounts the sire of this litter is the best charlie dog around. He's sired a litter of bitches so whatever she's having is a bitch, in years to come hopefully I'l have a lil menace out of the missus pup and we'l get to do some digging! :drinks:


But For the Time being it's jus rabbit's and rats as Iv'e got a collie/grey X whippet lurcher (I can't see me putting her to any charlie) and I'm just starting off being only 19 so alot of time on my hands!!


But I'l obviously be back soon asking advice on training.


Wish me luck :blink:


Happy Hunting


Math :drinks:

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Guest Eamon.Mc

Confused Chief!! That's an understatement..Terriers abilities are being diluted and destroyed by their use as walking companions as that's all a terrier is if it does'nt go to ground.

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And where did I say that or made any reference to it ????? . Nothing of the sort was posted by me on this thread or anywhere else on this forum and I challenge you to find it .

And because I have never suggested such a thing I'm certainly not wasting my time writing about it , my views regarding the use of terriers are written elsewhere on this forum .


I'm glad you know what REAL terrier work is , the recent past has shown that many on here are extremely confused :whistle: .


QUOTE FROM YOU -"I keep terriers for what they were originally for and nothing else so I see no benefit in showing them anything else quarry wise until they are ready in every way for their intended vocation ".

Your words ,your reference to it .

Just thought you might have thoughts on dogs entered this way being inferior....................?

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Aaaah , the all knowing Chief pisses all over another genuine request for advice.


Stop bleating Chiefy old lad, no point in trying to wriggle out on a technicality, the inference was definetly made that terriers who start on small quarry are somehow inferior and not worthy of becoming an earthdog proper.


Utter BOLLOCKS , as many moocher/diggers on here will no doubt testify.


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I can't understend what is the problem,If you want to use your dog only on small quarry start taking it out at 5 or 6 mounths.If it's a terrier worth the name he will show interest from the start.

In Italy we say a "good day can be seen from the morning".

I dont rate rabbits or rats as terrier quarry .Terrier are born to be used underground.

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I can't understend what is the problem,If you want to use your dog only on small quarry start taking it out at 5 or 6 mounths.If it's a terrier worth the name he will show interest from the start.

In Italy we say a "good day can be seen from the morning".

I dont rate rabbits or rats as terrier quarry .Terrier are born to be used underground.

:clapper: well said

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Take it easy Chiefy son, I reserve judgement to actually really dislike someone only when I have met them.


My problem isnt with your passionate (if black and white) views. It just gets tiresome watching enquiring individuals being constantly shot down in flames , even if some are inane.

It says under your name "moderator" - that would imply a certain amount of moderation.

I wouldnt dream of taking your opinions away but , if moderators are "pissing" on threads, whats the point?

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I did'nt in any way criticize you , I just said you should get plenty of help from the people on here that have a VAST amount of knowledge regarding that particular terrier sport ....... Experts in real terrier work :icon_eek: .


You need all the luck you can muster if you are married and only 19 :D .


I didn't think you critisized me chief in no way. I will definitley be back on here for as much help as I can get to get the best out of this little tyke that me and the missus are about to recieve I would put the littlun to ground but if she did get smashed up I would be out the door firmly lol!!


So Rabbits and Rats its going to have to be. however inferior they are for terriers.


Happy Hunting



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when you get the pup the lurcher will be 8 mths old and the summer will soon be upon us start some basics for the young dog before season starts ie breaking to livestock and ferrets this can also be done with the young lurcher if you havent already started by christmas the young dog should be used to mooching about with the lurcher make sure that you have them mooching together you will reap the benefits of the terrier knocking stuff out for the big dog to pick up, the terrier should start to look at a bit of ratting between 10-12 mths old dont rush it there is no need the dogs are only young and will grow together fingers crossed you know what lurchers are like .good luck with your young team.

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