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A dog for Ditch

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Since people are asking and it would seem strange for me to simply vanish off the face of the matter, I'll answer the question as best I feel able:


To the best of my knowledge there is nothing 'wrong' with Travis which hasn't been readily disclosed under his own Thread. Intractable. Likes to get out and look for 'stock. That's probably the case with a great many Dogs, left to their own devices. Doesn't make a Dog 'bad' or unmanagable.


The reason I dropped out - with the very deepest regret - is due to a matter of personal principle which, in turn, led me to take a personal stand some many years ago. I issued a vow to Dogdom and have never since, will never, break it.


Sadly, Travis comes under my very personal 'boycott'. No fault of his own or indeed his current keepers. Just life which, as we all know, is a bitch.


Please forgive me if I now leave this Thread. There's nothing more for me to say.

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