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Stolen Ferret

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Ready to go out Saturday, Went to box my ferret up and nothing! Obviously the hutch was ferret proof but not scum proof. He is a year old white hob and as much a pet as a worker, just hope the thieving Tw-t that stole him looks after him.

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Oh thats awfull, i dont understand why people do it, ferrets are not like golddust & they could have easily got one of there own, i would let any rescues in the area know he has been pinched, just incase they dump him, you never know ,



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I'd love for it to be legal to go out hunting these pri**s that steal things. Or better still when they get caught for it to be compulsery to cut there hands off :angry: harsh yes ,but I bet the prisons would soon become alot less populated with petty thieveing scumbags. 9 times out of 10 if you did find out who it was and give them a good kicking the next thing you know is the old bill are knocking on your door with a charge of assault against you. nitromors on thieves car in early hours of morning has the desired effect normally(from what i've been told :whistle: )



Hope you catch up with your ferret mate.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Not normally one to join in the 'Good Kicking' stuff that usually follows such Posts ..... But my sympathy, mate. It doesn't bode well that anyone would stoop so low as to steal a 'fivers worth' of ferret. If ye not 110% certain the little houdini didn't manage a break out, keep ye eyes and ears open. If ye have a cage trap, set it anyway.


But to my own point; I was in a gun shop yesterday with my mate. He spotted a box of 9mm rounds and asked about them. Turns out they were pistol rounds. Soft tips. Sold for those liscenced to hold a side arm for Home Defence :blink: Yeppers. Seems some people over here are actually packing considerable heat in their living rooms!


Anyway, three men and hand guns in the conversation? Obviously ..... :D So the shop owner explains how they have to have an alarm system and so forth. I chime in with, " So then, ye get ye gun. Switch off the alarms and sit in a chair; Waiting! ". To which he topped me by coming out with the all time classic:


" Yeah! And ye put a f*cking great neon sign outside: 'Free Drugs'. Then just wait for them to come through the door! " :laugh: Christ, we all fell about over that one! :rofl:



Forgive me. I know. Totally irresponsable and reprehensable talk. Especially from a Lisceanced Gun Dealer. But ffs; Doesn't it just go to show the level to which this rising tide of scum is getting? Thirty, even twenty years ago, no one would have thought of a scenario like that. The butt of the 'joke' would have been an ordinary burgler, come to nick ye stuff, just to sell on and make his living. Now we have Junkies :no:

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Definitely did NOT escape, the door has 2 very strong catches and the wire is next to new as this was a hutch that I built 4 month ago using new timber and wire. The box that the ferret sleeps in had been tipped upside down. Makes you think is it worth getting another ferret to get attached too, for someone to come during the night and steal it?

Edited by Rubyred666
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Ferrets seem to have gone up in price of late....they are being sold at markets for around £40, still not alot of money for something that can provide endless fun not to mention meat !


hope yea get yer ferret back mate !

all the best


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