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I have 7 week old kits available.

I have 6 jills and 3 hobs from excellent working parents who i work with the hawks.

I am in Liverpool and if you want good stock its worth travelling too.

These are being fed on rabbit/quail/wood pigeon/pheasant/duck/chicks and anything the hawks leave......

They will be £10 each, just to recover some food costs, and i don't beleive people should give animals away for free as it entices kids to get them who eventually get bored and the animals are the ones to suffer eventually, but if they pay for them they tend to care more overall as it will have cost them money from the start so if you are under 16 bring an adult with you.

Hope you understand and accept my views?

Cheers Steve.

P.S. You can text/call me on 07738630081

Edited by The Badger
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