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Help!!!! Advice!!! Needed!!! Pls!!!

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Hi all, need advice on the best lamp to use wile out shooting at nite, I use a scope mountable seven blits and a lightforce, which also can be used [bANNED TEXT] coursing with the lurcher, but I feel as tho these lamps are to hi powered for [bANNED TEXT] I'm out with the gun. They are great for seeing what's further a field, but just can't seem to always get close enuf for shooting distance. As tho the rabbits are fazed by the huge bright light? Advice plz

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Deben tracer max pro, with dimmer and filters.


Get an ally scope clamp and dont buy into the silly flip down filters. Get the standard ones and tape them on, the reason for the tape is to stop the filter on the lamp echoing like a drum and also to stop the glare on the edge of the filter.


Scan your field with the lamp somewhere near high, find your target and dim it down, it should give you an extra few yards stalking.


If you have ruined and spooked the rabbits too much so far with a high powered white light then your possibly fecked.

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one more vote for the max pro, velcro the dimmer to the side of your stock and bobs you uncle, some say the battery life is to low but if you can`t fill your game bag with 1 full charge your not doing it right

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