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close call!!

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Was out this afternoon taking the dog for a walk, over some nice flat open ground with a tennis racket and ball to have a real good play and run while the sun was shining after all the rain we had today. as i was walking the field i was just about to hit the tennis ball again for the dog when a hare jumped up out of its seat, was good distance off from us both too, but the dog soon was after that istead of the tennis ball.


now this field i was on is close to a road but is of a large size to take dogs for a walk, and never have i come across a hare or rabbit, there used to be loads apparently. any way the dog was coming to terms with it, whilst i was worried about someone seeing and my needing my dog back. i then start to worry as it was making a straight line for the hedge of the road, the dog constantly turning it off the hedge, i was hoping for it to come back into the open feild but it had other ideas quick spin and threw the dog off and in the hedge it went. but the dog went to.. both were out of site and i was worrierd big time now as they would be on the road or the large grass verge which runs along side the road...


i herd a car beeping, my dog must be en in the road i was running up the field hoping my dog was ok.. thinking the worst he may of been knocked down.. but lucky enough he came back through the hedge. safe and sound but no victim... so was soo greatful he was ok.. the cars must have put him off.



its great to see hares back in these fields, which once had loads but think i will be keeping the dog away from there now.



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At first i was thinking game on as i was only out generally exercising him and playing. and was enjoying the run until it edged closer to the road. At one point i thought he had it and i was then worried about other dog walkers turning up as the normally do just after work but. but once he was out of site and gone through the hedge there was nothing to enjoy then. you just start thinking the worst... but i could see cars going down the road over the hedge and all the time they were still moving i was hoping that was a good sign my dog was ok.. if one stopped on herd breaking then i would of known something bad had happened.

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