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It`s a dose of hormones that will knock her out of season,,, and it shoulda been done before being in season for 2 months bud,, get it done soon as,, bit late for any of the alternatives. But think about it well in advance next time..



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is it absolute rubbish?,,,,educate me,,,thats what i was always told..thats why i got mine spayed,,first season..didnt want em dying on me....dont just say its rubbish,,please explain,,i come on this forum to be educated about ferret welfare/keeping...as many on here seem to be very experienced in this field,,.thanks

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can anyone tell me what the jabb injection is and what it does


Some basic info...

‘Jill Jab’


A veterinarian will inject the jill with a drug such as Proligestonen, as a method of hormone control to prevent oestrus (in-season). This should be administered before the jill comes into season (usually in March) and a repeat treatment may be required if the jill comes back into oestrus the same year. This injection can be painful and cause irritation at the injection site. Over 90% of jills will come back into oestrus the following year. Jill Jabs may cause a false pregnancy and pyometra is a potential risk.

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is it absolute rubbish?,,,,educate me,,,thats what i was always told..thats why i got mine spayed,,first season..didnt want em dying on me....dont just say its rubbish,,please explain,,i come on this forum to be educated about ferret welfare/keeping...as many on here seem to be very experienced in this field,,.thanks


No, it's not rubbish at all. Some folk on here are complete idiots and wouldn't recognise proper ferret husbandry if it kicked them up their gormless arses.


Edited to say...regardless of the 'x' years experience they say they have... The saying 'There's no fool like an old fool' often springs to my mind when I read comments on here, plus you get the stubborn ones too who refuse to learn anything.

Edited by ferret100
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