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Bedding and Litter

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What bedding are you using for your ferrets and do you use litter trays or not?


I am using shredded cardboard at the moment and a litter tray with clumping cat litter in it. However I cannot get them to use the litter tray at all. They either go under it or behind it.


Ive tried putting there dirt in the litter tray and disinfecting other areas with no luck.


The cardboard is a nightmare for cleaning out and just spreads the shit everywhere and makes a mess of the hutch.


Would it be better to remove the litter tray and swap cardboard for wood shavings and just let them use a corner for shitting etc?





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For bedding in summer I use shredded paper as its free since my misses is a teacher, I get those big binbags full, the shredded cardboard from packaging or they love to roll up in paper bags (the type that dog food comes from etc.). In the winter I use dust extracted hay/straw and A old t-shirt or towel.

For the hutch floor i use woodpellets or wood chips, they both soak up very well and both have no (or very little) dust. Though im favouirng wood chips because there lemon scented, they go further than the pellets and therfor cheaper.


I dont use litter trays, they have picked a corner and stuck with it, I just throw the flooring over the top of their mess when im cleaning out the hutches. Alot of people put a bit of laminet down.

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I picked up my two new Kits two Days ago, I used two Cat Litters trays from Wilkinson's cheap as chips I screwed the first one down with the second tray fitting inside, got the idea from this forum, with Cat Litter, they are using, I have seen them, but there is still the odd small clump in the corner, so one is using both.nest box material, one Dog fleece purchased from a cheap store, couple of quid, and bought a pack of compressed wood shavings from equestrian store £7.40 appears a bit expensive but should last for Months.Feeding rabbit and a local Butchers Dog meat with a small sprinkle of SA50 Mineral supplement, had received a couple of samples of complete Ferret feed but they wont touch it, could do with them to take it, in case I am away for a couple of days.

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I used two Cat Litters trays from Wilkinson's cheap as chips I screwed the first one down with the second tray fitting inside, got the idea from this forum,


Good idea,maybe worth trying again.Thanks

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hi there mate i had that problem some timw age but now i use straw in the winter and as for the summer i use sredded paper and agin as for the cardboard bin it i use wood shaveings now and allways will do it is a lot more better and for the shiting my gill will allways go in the corner to do her bisness she is just so used to that as she allways gone there to do it

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i use a litter tray with wood shavings in and my 3 jills use it all the time,but when my hob is in with them he shits everywhere and anywhere.now he is on his own at the moment he also shits in his bed dirty b*****d.

:thumbs: my hob does exactly the same

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Blankets in the sleeping area, woodshavings on half the hutch were try shit and the other half bare. I would use savings all over but my cage has a flaw in that the doors open downwards and I've you open the doors the shavings get trapped underneath the bottom of the door and it's hard to shut. Maybe if I put a thin piece of wood just inside the door it may stop the shavings doing this?


I made a litter tray out of wood as a tester for the big run and they use it fine. I just put shit in it and they got the idea. I will buy a cheap one as the Piss And shit soaks into the wood because I didn't treat it and smells like fcuk.

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Cheers for replys, i think i will switch the cardboard for a decent layer of wood shavings and get rid of the litter tray, at least then i can just clean out the corner they are using and replace shavings etc.


There sleeping box has currently got a few inches of the cardboard but they prefer to sleep in there hammock. Will give them an old jumper for the winter :thumbs:





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