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video on the police.

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  On 17/07/2011 at 21:16, scothunter said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:12, blan89 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:09, scothunter said:

if you want to end up living in a police state,then if everyone thought the same way as you did.well im afraid you would be a lot closer to it.


are you saying holding on to our rights is how we lose them?


ok blan,you are splitting hairs here.asking for a name is hardly an infrigement of your rights.going by oast threads you have posted,along the lines that you reckon all citizens should be armed for the day we need to rise up against the goverment.i would say you have a serious issue with any kind of authority mate.


....I didn't watch all the video because I think I would lose my patience! It is a perfectly reasonable request for the police to ask someone who they are and what they are doing, why be offended unless you have something to hide.


People are quick to slag the police for doing nowt but when they do people are quick to slag them for that too! Given the atrocities over the last few years in the UK it is perfectly reasonable to expect the police to be on their guard and if the public are not willing to help them do their job than frankly those individuals are retarded. It is people like that dick in the video that makes my blood boil as they are the sort of people that want to ensure we don't affect the human rights of terrorists.


RANT OVERwallbash.gifwallbash.gif

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I agree that its not that big an issue in Britain (yet). But if you keep a weather eye open, you can see that the mechanism for total control is slowly being put in place. How that mechanism is use

In my eyes he didnt make a dick of himself. He didnt nothing wrong. The police wanted his infomation without a good legal reason. He didnt give it so they arrested him for a jumped up reason ... and g

A geek who had something to hide? That rediculous. Ok then arrest any one wearing trackies because there going to beat up grannies, arrest anyone with a decentish car because there drug dealers, arres

  On 17/07/2011 at 21:32, scothunter said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:26, blan89 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:16, scothunter said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:12, blan89 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:09, scothunter said:

if you want to end up living in a police state,then if everyone thought the same way as you did.well im afraid you would be a lot closer to it.


are you saying holding on to our rights is how we lose them?


ok blan,you are splitting hairs here.asking for a name is hardly an infrigement of your rights.going by oast threads you have posted,along the lines that you reckon all citizens should be armed for the day we need to rise up against the goverment.i would say you have a serious issue with any kind of authority mate.


i think we need less government power and influence in our lives,most on here would agree.

why would the government allow that when the ones who run it can profit from their intervention,and how do we stop them intervening further?


i didnt say asking for your name was an infringement of anyone's rights,but arresting someone for not answering clearly is (without probable cause being established).


all i want is freedom to do what i want as long as im not stopping anyone else doing the same,whats wrong with that?

ive had enough of being a government slave/mercenary.


well you need to just accept it.you will make yourself ill worrying about it :thumbs:


that wont help anything mate,we need activism and to alert others to whats going on,im still young and stupid enough to believe i can help change this country.

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  On 17/07/2011 at 21:36, dave1372 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:16, scothunter said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:12, blan89 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:09, scothunter said:

if you want to end up living in a police state,then if everyone thought the same way as you did.well im afraid you would be a lot closer to it.


are you saying holding on to our rights is how we lose them?


ok blan,you are splitting hairs here.asking for a name is hardly an infrigement of your rights.going by oast threads you have posted,along the lines that you reckon all citizens should be armed for the day we need to rise up against the goverment.i would say you have a serious issue with any kind of authority mate.


....I didn't watch all the video because I think I would lose my patience! It is a perfectly reasonable request for the police to ask someone who they are and what they are doing, why be offended unless you have something to hide.


People are quick to slag the police for doing nowt but when they do people are quick to slag them for that too! Given the atrocities over the last few years in the UK it is perfectly reasonable to expect the police to be on their guard and if the public are not willing to help them do their job than frankly those individuals are retarded. It is people like that dick in the video that makes my blood boil as they are the sort of people that want to ensure we don't affect the human rights of terrorists.


RANT OVERwallbash.gifwallbash.gif


what are the police to you?

your masters?

they are civil SERVANTS you and i pay them to uphold the law,they work for us to catch criminals,the way in which they do that is establishing probable cause and then arresting the suspect to be tried.


not arresting people whenever they deem fit and being beyond reproach,we have lost a lot of our rights,we cannot afford to roll over and lose more.

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I honestly dont feel like we live in a bad country,has its faults yes,but come on your sounding if we are living in stalin russia.anytime i have ever been arrested or locked up i can say i did deserved it.also i was treated pretty fairly."ACTIVISIM" YOU SOUND LIKE A RED BLAN LOL

Edited by scothunter
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  On 17/07/2011 at 22:48, scothunter said:

I honestly dont feel like we live in a bad country,has its faults yes,but come on your sounding if we are living in stalin russia.anytime i have ever been arrested or locked up i cant say i did deserve it.also i was treated pretty fairly."ACTIVISIM" YOU SOUND LIKE A RED BLAN LOL


lol far from it mate.

i wouldnt say things are too bad yet,but the cogs are in place far it get very bad very soon,like the anti-terrorism legislation quoted in the vid i posted and the one in my sig,wide open to abuse by the government and their goons.

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At the end of the day police officers are people and are acting upon instinct as well as guidelines, the moment the gentleman in the video failed to answer an innocent question which could have been dealt with in moments , he sealed his fate.


No one particularly likes to be lied to and can certainly identify when someone is attempting to hide something (that's why yas end up in the dog house ;) - she knows) as such in a situation and culture in which we face such threats as terrorism they cannot be held responsible for leaving a stone unturned in the pursuit of ensuring a safe environment.


An example: our police are advised to fall back and call in air support to take over in high speed traffic offences to reduce risk to the public (and can be ordered to cease), rather than the say US tactic of guns ablazing an ramming them off the road at any cost...


I know which I'd prefer... just a name and address... practically give it away everytime you walk into a shop and make a card payment :whistling:

Edited by Rommels
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The problem I have was that not giving his details was legal yet they made a big deal out of it. If he was legally required to then he would have been in the wrong. If the police think it is necessary to be able to ask someone for their details without them being detained or arrested they should make a case for it to the government. If they do then the government should also look at the evidence against it and have it decided by an independent panel.


I am sure they can legally search you if they have reasonable suspicion so they should have just searched him and looked at the photos in his camera then let him go on his way or arrested him.

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The bigger pic here, is the harrasment of photographers,,particularly amatuers,,


Read any photo mag,, they print details on how to defend yourself against police harrasment,, hence the reason he was so knowledgable on his rights,,, It`s a big issue in the photgraphy world just now,,


They are using anti terrorism laws to harass photographers. Have to say ,I have no time for arrogant cops, and think the bloke was well within his rights to show them up.



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  On 18/07/2011 at 01:09, scalesntails said:

The problem I have was that not giving his details was legal yet they made a big deal out of it. If he was legally required to then he would have been in the wrong. If the police think it is necessary to be able to ask someone for their details without them being detained or arrested they should make a case for it to the government. If they do then the government should also look at the evidence against it and have it decided by an independent panel.


I am sure they can legally search you if they have reasonable suspicion so they should have just searched him and looked at the photos in his camera then let him go on his way or arrested him.


they tell people they can legally stop and search at random but not that it requires your consent (i.e when they ask if you understand what is happening and you say yes you have have consented),they need probable cause not just a feeling.

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  On 17/07/2011 at 18:56, blan89 said:


what could legally be done if the police violate your rights like this?

i mean afterwards,something that would help set a precedent and stop them pushing their luck in future.


Are some people that bored that they will go out looking for trouble even when they are not in any........im no fan of ol bill but i accept they have a job to do and its not an easy one....why somebody would make life difficult for themself by not giving their details because of their " human rights " if they think they are doing nothing wrong....is nothing short of pure stupidity...

Nobody likes a smart arse and i think them coppers showed a lot of patience....after all,what about the publics human rights....what about my rights to NOT have my picture taken by somebody i dont know while out doing my shopping.

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Guest busterdog
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:36, dave1372 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:16, scothunter said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:12, blan89 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 21:09, scothunter said:

if you want to end up living in a police state,then if everyone thought the same way as you did.well im afraid you would be a lot closer to it.


are you saying holding on to our rights is how we lose them?


ok blan,you are splitting hairs here.asking for a name is hardly an infrigement of your rights.going by oast threads you have posted,along the lines that you reckon all citizens should be armed for the day we need to rise up against the goverment.i would say you have a serious issue with any kind of authority mate.


....I didn't watch all the video because I think I would lose my patience! It is a perfectly reasonable request for the police to ask someone who they are and what they are doing, why be offended unless you have something to hide.


People are quick to slag the police for doing nowt but when they do people are quick to slag them for that too! Given the atrocities over the last few years in the UK it is perfectly reasonable to expect the police to be on their guard and if the public are not willing to help them do their job than frankly those individuals are retarded. It is people like that dick in the video that makes my blood boil as they are the sort of people that want to ensure we don't affect the human rights of terrorists.


RANT OVERwallbash.gifwallbash.gif



IMHO i think i would of lost patience and smashed the uppity bitch straight in the mouth and given them something proper to arrest me for lol.


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  On 18/07/2011 at 08:02, gnasher16 said:
  On 17/07/2011 at 18:56, blan89 said:


what could legally be done if the police violate your rights like this?

i mean afterwards,something that would help set a precedent and stop them pushing their luck in future.


Are some people that bored that they will go out looking for trouble even when they are not in any........im no fan of ol bill but i accept they have a job to do and its not an easy one....why somebody would make life difficult for themself by not giving their details because of their " human rights " if they think they are doing nothing wrong....is nothing short of pure stupidity...

Nobody likes a smart arse and i think them coppers showed a lot of patience....after all,what about the publics human rights....what about my rights to NOT have my picture taken by somebody i dont know while out doing my shopping.


your not really going there are you mate?


in the most video'd country in the world,where there are entire cities where in public you will be filmed from one angle or another by cctv?


thats a slippery slope isnt it,forgo your right to privacy because if you have nothing to hide there wont be a problem,it's about the right to not answer when questioned ('you have the RIGHT to remain silent'),we need to maintain that right.


some people want to maintain what very small amount of privacy they have the ability to claim.

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  On 18/07/2011 at 08:23, blan89 said:


your not really going there are you mate?


in the most video'd country in the world,where there are entire cities where in public you will be filmed from one angle or another by cctv?


thats a slippery slope isnt it,forgo your right to privacy because if you have nothing to hide there wont be a problem,it's about the right to not answer when questioned ('you have the RIGHT to remain silent'),we need to maintain that right.


some people want to maintain what very small amount of privacy they have the ability to claim.


Being filmed in a public place by police/councils etc for the prevention of crime i can accept........being filmed on a handheld camcorder by some old duffer in a raincoat i dont accept.........now lets just say your mrs is changing your littluns nappy in a crowded shopping centre,you look around and theres some weirdo with a video camera aimed directly at them......your telling me you would be ok with that ?

As far as im aware cctv doesnt seek out the innocent......an old boy with a camcorder strapped to his wrist can film wahtever he likes without anyone knowing.....so if the ol bill want to go and scoop him up then f**k him.....as somebody else said,why not go and photograph something of interest....he was obviously out to do exactly what he did or else what was he taking pictures of.

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