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unusual catch

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Out last night for a mooch about and my salukixd/h g/h starts air scenting,then hes off over the fence and into the next field out of sight,when i get within a 100 yards of him he looks like hes caught something but is struggling to pick it up,strange as he always returns anything caught.As i get to him he greets me with a blood covered chin and i realise why he was having problems with his prey ........it was a hedgehog.Anyone else with stories of strange quarry?

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Both the spaniels ive had hated hedge pigs for some reason the first one would fetch them back ,the current one just digs round them ,if you loose her you have to retrace your steps and you can bet shes found a hedge pig

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Guest joball

Whats a hedgehog sounds like a mythecal beast.


I caught a little hairy thing one night it had big ears, long back legs, small front ones and a little white tail havent got a clue what it was.

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My old 95lb American Bulldog would chew them up at an given chance and I'd spend all night picking needles out her face and roof of her mouth!! She once shook one about before I could get to her and when I did I received a face full of guts, yummy lol

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Plenty here less since i got Storm though lol.Flint managed to take a heron one day as it took off she nailed it and was really chuffed with herself wouldnt have bothered only for the fact that it was a country park and the ranger was hovering around the place.

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