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Do you think she thought about protection whilst having a quickie over the bins. Somehow i doubt it, and if she didn't then she was not thinking of her kids when risking the lives of her partner and herself.

Just the kind of thing every child wishes for, a mammy and daddy with HIV :thumbs:


I thought you were talking about salmonella until I got to the last line :laugh: :laugh:

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classy bird lol

Does she know you know?   If she does, then that should be the last time you ever have to clean your own kennels / house / car, walk the dogs, collect the gear from the butchers or clean up your own

i give it an hour before tb25 is on claiming it was him......

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Whatever CE ... of course the kids need to be considered. And their mother should've considered what would happen to the family and her home before she lifted up her gear. Either way it's not going to end well.


Knowing that your mate is being made a mug and making excuses for not telling him doesn't really work for me. Maybe he'll be level headed and get his own proof. Maybe he'll crack up. But either way he should know.


Well maybe some of us are more level headed than others i agree he should know but she should tell him its got f**k all to do with anyone else really.I would shop her as well cos i am way too loyal but ive seen how this can and does usually end.Years ago a good friend of mine and i fell out and have never spoken since because i walked in to find her hubby strangling her and i gave him a good kicking tbh and well she took his side he shagged around as well she caught him loads of times and i could never understand why the f**k she put up with it she was a stunning young lady and he was a shrek lookalike and smelled just as bad.he gave her an std twice in a matter of months in between breaking her jaw and other stuff.She couldnt say no to sex either or he just took it shes still with him and were in the region of 13 years later.I learned then to tread carefully in this situation.I agree stayong for the kids sake is stupid its not healthy but then most women tend to use kids as a weapon try to stop their dad seeing them because they want more maintenance or because theyre just scorned its sad and i hate women who do it as a personal opinion.I feel unless theres a risk to your kids pyhsically or mentally then theres no need for all that crap.Then theres the other side to the coin as well we dont know what goes on behind closed doors either he might be a whore master for all we all know doesnt make it right but were only hearing one side of it and as i said not wise to get involved in it

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