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One up the antis!

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Yesterday evening thought I would get to the pigeon permission, see where they were roosting. Phoned the police and got my reference number (thank goodness). So camoed up, Mini-me ready to go I was mooching about the permission finding where the dinners were flying to! Now there is a cottage in the middle of the permission occupied by a couple from London, she is a vegetarian and they have a son.


At the other edge is a yellow painted house, with access to it along a farmn access track. As I was studying the ground by the trees I was aware of a car coming to a stop, quickly.

"What the bloody hell do you think you are doing?" An attidtude with eyebrows and a face like a smacked pig enquired.

"I am shooting vermin on a general license with the land owners permission!" I replied, "By the way I am Mike and I am finding where the roosts are..."

"Well I don't want you shooting at my house, I have cats and a dog and kids" He replied. If he had kids they had to be at university!

"I will not be shooting at your property sir as I do not have permission to shoot on it" I replied.

"But I don't want you shooting near it. Typical of the farmer, no consideration for others, we have to put up with so much from him. I will ring him up!"


Now there is a pile of turkey manure about a quarter of a mile away, it does not smell that much, I know whenever I am on the permission I will wind up downwind of it. If that is all they have to complain about life must be blasted boring.

"Sir, do you inform him every time you light a barbecue up? That could burn his wheat! Show him consideration and tell him when you plan to incinerate some value sausages! Furthermore I am on here with the land owner's permission to rid him of feral pigeons, wood pigeons and collared doves, which are damaging his crops. I will shoot wherever they are but I will not fire so any pellets strike your property. That I can assure you of as I would not like to have to pay you damages..."


Then his damned wife turned up. Square, in black leggings and a long shirt, would not be so bad but she was as old as he was (50s) and had legs that in the leggings resembled one sausage on top of another and a face like Evil Edna.


"What's going on?" The harpy screamed. Hubby told her. "I am calling the police!!!" She screamed. "I have got him and you now!" Unsure as to what was going on I started to walk away.

"I am calling the police," she said "Wait there, till the police come."

"No..." I replied "I will go wherever I like on this land, I am obeying the law, now go and call the police, I dare you!"


I told the farmer who has come up with a wonderful revenge plan. When the wheat is ready to harvest he is going to make sure he starts the harvest as early in the morning as he can. So they can look forward to some mid week very early mornings with combines et al going past! The farmer is fed up with them, they moan when he ploughs, sets seeds, irrigates, harvests, any opportunity to complain they take, make his life a misery!" I advised him to get his shotguns out and have an early morning roost shooting in the trees near their house too.


Anyway after battling the eyebrow mutant and Evil Edna I stalked round, finding where the pigeons sit, feed and roost (most of the roosting sites seem to be on land brodering the permission, so in field only shooting). I saw a collared on the wire and Mini-Me was lined up and dove down. Then the phone rang, Norfolk Police.


"Hello Mr Carter, just to let you know we have had a phone call about you being on the land, we have told her there is nothing she can do about it, she get's upset easily doesn't she? We also had a word with the farmer just to check you do have permission and he has assured us you have so please, feel free to ignore her!"


I can only imagine what she said to them...



First Feathered Kill For The .177


Now the people who live in the middle of the permission are no problem at all, despite one being a vegetarian. They are very friendly and only asked me to take care so I did not shoot their son who rides his bike up and down the access road or their chickens. I assured them I was after Woodies, Ferals and Collareds, so no shooting son or their poultry (they recently lost 2 to a fox). Nice friendly couple who have moved into the country and simply love it and do not mind what the farmer does as it is his land and he has to farm it..

Edited by secretagentmole
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There are to many people around like those you have on your permision. I know of several farms I have shot over in the past every time I went there,it was very much the same thing as you have. I have had one guy race and I mean race, his range rover over a ploughed field to come to me. I used to call the police every time thats a pain in the a--s about 25 questions every time and they still came out when the townies called them several times. In the end I got sick of it and did not go again

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Not a pain in the backside with Norfolk Police, I just ring the switchboard, speak to the control room, tell them who I am where I am going, what I doing, what I am using and give them the mobile number, they give me a reference number (some operators now remember my details lol). It is just worth doing folks as my experience yesterday proved.


By the way could the farmer not stop that fool tearing up his fields in his range rover? after all it was trespass he was committing, and damaging trespass with a vehicle too!

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nice result for you then moley, she must've been spitting feathers lol. well done for keeping your cool whilst dealing face to face too, some of these folks try the patience of a saint, never mind an impatient, public hater like me...



sp for not indulging in a screaming ab dabs match with the silly cow


cheers, wurz


edited to say, good read too, and nice shooting with the dove :thumbs:

Edited by gurtwurz
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My argument is "you chose to live in the country/next to a farm you should expect the control of vermin so a farmer can continue to grow his food that you eat..."


we have a couple on the farm who always scares off any rabbits were shooting at, she even walked right infront of me one time and just sat!... another time there alsation came bolting out the bushes at me, when I saw her I told her its a good job I dont have a shotgun and nervous. The worst thing about these 2 is, they own pigeons .... hes a proper cheeky bar stewart owning pigeons on a farm imo!


The other people who live there are plesent though, theres even a man who breeds plumber terriers who we give rabbits to occasionally.

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I had one recently I work on a outdoor Pig farm and just shot a Fox with My 17HMR and a woman came down the lane form the Livery stable and asked if I had permission to shoot there I said yes I do, from My boss and its registered with the Police. Then she started well Your frightening the Horses. So I told her now Your Bullshitting theres 2 ponies in the field just next door looking over the hedge at Me and I rested the rifle on a Pig-ark which you could still hear the Pigs snoring in. So I told Her exactly what she could do and she rang the police and the bloke that owns the Livery and they both told her that I have permission to shoot there and to stop bothering Me! Fecking Brilliant. Next day I saw her in her car and gave her the finger and she rang the Livery owner again saying I was frightening her and now she only turns up with her Husband in tow funny as !!

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  On 16/07/2011 at 20:10, secretagentmole said:

If a fox attacked her horse/pony/donkey Bagzi she would be complaining to the livery yard owner a blasted site more...

Her horses leg going down cutesy wootsey fluffy bunnykins burrow usually changes their mind on the need for pest control.

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"Next day I saw her in her car and gave her the finger and she rang the Livery owner again saying I was frightening her "


Love it!!!!


Dont you just love people like that. The worrying thing is my missus is getting like that now though. She doesnt like the idea of me shooting fluffy cute little bunnies at all. I think she`d rather I sneak out and have an affair with some bird in the evenings rather than shoot animals.

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My wife was a vegetarian, gave that up but could not go fishing because of the cruelty to animals, I went fly fishing with her, she watched for an hour, stomped off, then the next thing I know she is walking back after having hired a rod, now she goes beach and boat fishing as well! Then I took up air rifles, she decided she wanted to join in, now she is happy to plug fluffy bunnkins, cute little pigeon poos, and delightful collared doves as well. Sometimes they can be saved!

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