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what breed is this ?

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It says what it is at the top of the pic. :yes:


Thing is while most on here are quite impressed by this dogs look, at least 99% of it is in the type and angle of the photo!


The dogs deffo had its face in the dirt and thats giving it a 'certain look' (especially the 'possibility' of a lost eye).


I'd betcha stood quietly in it's kennel it'd look a whole different animal.


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It says what it is at the top of the pic. :yes:


Thing is while most on here are quite impressed by this dogs look, at least 99% of it is in the type and angle of the photo!


The dogs deffo had its face in the dirt and thats giving it a 'certain look' (especially the 'possibility' of a lost eye).


I'd betcha stood quietly in it's kennel it'd look a whole different animal.






Looks dont kill...it could be stood there baying at the mouth of the hole :laugh:



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No english version, but you can use google translator. In my understanding these dogs are used mostly for wild boar hunts (which is legal in Hungary and in many other parts of the continent).

It says:

A Jagdbullokról röviden.


Vadászterrier , terrier mixek, amiket kimondottan a disznósmunka miatt kereszteztünk.A fő cél egy higgadtabb ,ésszel dolgozó, gazdacentrikus, disznóskutya.Az eddigi tapasztalataink szerint kevésbé rámenős ,tisztább munkát végző kutyákat kaptunk ezzel a tenyésztési móddal.



Shortly about Jagd x bulls

Working terriers, terrier mixes, whicg are crossed especially for wild boar work. The main aim is a cool-headed dog which works by using its brains, owner-centered and is a good worker. According to our experiences these dogs are less "hot blooded" / "pushful" and make a nicer, clearer job.




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