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Best thing to do would be wean the pups off...get the bitch spayed/tits looked at at the same time...then we,ll see if you hold the bitch in the same light when you know you cant get a litter off her.

well if you leave them alone and it all goes wrong you could loose your bitch as well as the pups.Ive always watched them and helped them if needed gave the whippet a load more help than i would have

The thing to watch out for is if the bitch still has pups inside her but stops pushing. Overweight, unfit or older bitches sometimes get tired. Some breeds are what is known as slow whelpers, but ther

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Make sure you have your rifle to hand :gunsmilie: Why would you breed a bitch that has aggression issues and hasn't had any basic training? You started this thread because you didn't know what to do with your whelping bitch. :blink: I don't see how you didn't know what to do when she already had pups when she was with you? MAybe you started this thread so you could try to sell the pups on here. :hmm: If you are going to say she doesn't have any issues with aggression then I'd like to remind you of one of your posts.


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I'd say killing a pup makes her not a good candidate for having another litter.



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The fact is you did not do best by this dog still arent by the looks of things.I spend my life cleaning up after people like you i get dogs brought here all the time in that state and worse all because they wanna make a little money

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The fact is you did not do best by this dog still arent by the looks of things.I spend my life cleaning up after people like you i get dogs brought here all the time in that state and worse all because they wanna make a little money

im not in it for the money

and that with the pup every 1 i have spoke to said the same (looking out for her pups) she did that 2 days befor she had them

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The fact is you did not do best by this dog still arent by the looks of things.I spend my life cleaning up after people like you i get dogs brought here all the time in that state and worse all because they wanna make a little money

im not in it for the money

and that with the pup every 1 i have spoke to said the same (looking out for her pups) she did that 2 days befor she had them


You've bred from your terrier bitch also so I don't see how it can't be for the money. One post you say you are wanting to change from terriers to lurchers and another you had some foxes with a terrier (one that was already sold). I haven't seen one thread from you that wasn't full of sh*t and most people seen right through it. Are you planning on keeping one of these pups? How old is the bitch?


Maybe you don't get much action at home because you are always interested in breeding


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like I said...


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You dont have this dogs interests at your heart no way in hell otherwise she wouldnt be rearing more pups theres a thing called a vet quick jab and fannys your uncle simple really not cheap but thats the price you pay for your mistakes.You chose to put her at risk go ahead with it and make her rear another f*****g litter she must be shattered mentally as well as pyhsically its not healthy for any animal to be bred like that.Take it if its not money your giving the pups away for free then? I bet not its not like you have vets fees to pay is itnow

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At the end of the day it doesn't matter one bit what any of you say regards him breeding this litter, the four pups are here now and the best we can all do is try to advise on the best for the pups and the mothers wellbeing for the next 8 weeks and help give them some quality of life to start them off.......so in my opinion as the pups are here i think some feeding/comfort advice is the main thing here not still earbashing about breeding the litter.........there will always be people breed litters with no knowledge on how to deal with the birth/problems, the aftercare of the bitch and pups!!! i just hope this bitch doesn't have more litters and actually has a quality of life in the future!!

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she not be jumping till she is back in shape and i have sorted her tit out because that can be sorted



Listen your a f*****g clown , a wish you lived next to me i would take the f*****g dog of you and kick your peddling little face in


even the way the bitch is being kept with the pups is shite :cry:


you need your f*****g head knocking off :no:

why dont you come say that to my face???



i really wish i was closer to your area :yes:


i hate the sight of a dog not being looked after properly it boils my piss and you ya c**t are a good example :realmad:

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