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Noisey affair

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Aye up.



My friend Rich and I had a look over at one of our permissions yesterday afternoon.

We have recently gained another 240 acres (approx), so we had a drive up over a few of the new fields, having a look about, mainly to get aqainted with the new surroundings, and look for the signs of bunnies.


We then made our way to another part of our existing permission, and got set up ready for a mooch.


Had to borrow my mates hat........left mine at home :icon_redface:


Off we set, Richard took the high ground, and I skirted the bottom ground,moving from field to field.

Not a lot going on at first, but then things started to pick up, had a smashing standing shot at a bunnies head in the longish grass 32 yards and sweet as a nut.

Another was taken from kneeling at 24 yards, the rest from prone position.


The peace and quiet was marred by the continual reports from a shotgun in the distance, must have been popping clays judging by the pattern and amounts they were shooting.

Then low and behold, along came a tractor carrying out some hedge trimming, then there was the trials bike accross the way :laugh::doh:.......still, kept us awake in the suns heat.


Met Richard back at the car, and he had a few aswell, some nicely placed head shots, he saw a couple of young foxes too while out and about.


Twas a good few hours out and about :thumbs:








..........Other picture to follow :doh:

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  On 15/07/2011 at 11:05, Marksman said:

well done Bill


Congrats on the new plot too!





Hi Darryl.



Cheers mate, some of the new plot is planted at the momment with no verges, but wont be long before the cut, should see some good Pigeon action then :thumbs:








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  On 15/07/2011 at 12:30, gurtwurz said:

nice 1 bill, the s10's earning its keep then mate?


well done on the new ground too :thumbs:


cheers, wurz



Hiya Wurz.



Very pleased with the S10 after John Bowket worked his magic on her :thumbs:

Had a problem with grouping and zero before we went, but that was down to me over filling her, soon sttled down after the first mag though :icon_redface::doh::laugh:







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  On 15/07/2011 at 12:41, venomviper said:

great shooting there bill buddy


nice pictures to pal the BBK looks very nice to pal


and congrats on getting the new land to bill





Hi Shay.


Thank you buddy :thumbs: I hope Brendon is ok now mate :thumbs:








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  On 15/07/2011 at 13:05, falcongit said:

great shooting mate,and great news about the new permision bud....:thumbs:




cheers symon



Hi Symon.


Cheers mate, yep, the extra permission was a bonus, looking forward to exploring it further :thumbs:







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  On 15/07/2011 at 14:40, festa said:

happy days bill mate new permissions are always welcome lol some pretty nice shooting there as well i must say


well done lads



atb gary



Wey aye Gary Mate.


Happy days indeed, couldnt have asked for a better day, some good signs on the new permission which is an extention of the current estate that I shoot......hope they buy out more :laugh::laugh::thumbs:







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