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Getting dogs fit

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  On 14/07/2011 at 14:23, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:11, DottyDoo said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:10, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:06, KittleRox said:

Firstly why no fling a baw if you think it makes a difference ? however a baw/lead whatever doesn,t jink like a bunny :no:


secondly and i really can,t be bothered but when you introduce the dug to the lamp when it trys to hunt up after a slip use recall :hmm: don,t worry if you scare all the bunnys in that field away, the initial few trips out are all important, get recall spot on,

a dog with half a brain will soon learn when to keep its head up or nose down depending on the situation :thumbs:


no it doesnt jink like a bunny butstays in an exact spot and if they wanna pick it up before the other dog then they have to get it on the outrun


my dogs return after each and every slip straight away but i was always taught that daytime teaches lamp dogs bad habbits and my mate is seeing that problem atm with his dog.



do yer dogs knopw the diffrence between walking an running after a lead, an working on lamp?????


yh id imigane they do dotty, but as i said i choose not to mooch my dogs often and so i dont. id possibly do it more if i had a terrier but only have the 2 bullxs.



well thats my point mate, my dogs know the diffrence, a mooch in fields gets them a tad excited when i get me boots on an grab the leads..... they will wag tails an sit in sleep boxes happily waiting for me to let them out.....


but if its dark an they see me in lamp cupboard lol, then they will whine like fook to get out an once allowed out, they wont leave my side, for fear of being left in...........


so dogs can an do know the diffrence between theyr jobs.....


you also stated that you dont mooch a lot, so how can ye say 1 way or another that it will make yer lamp dog hunt up :blink:

sounds like ye beleive everything ye hear, instead a trying it for yaself an having yer own opinion :whistling:



you keep mentioning rabbits, an that your dogs aint rabbit dogs, what the fook is that got to do wae it...????

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just asked me dad and he said, if you worked your dogs like there ment to be and used them for what there bred for you wouldnt need all this exercising behind cars and on bikes down country lanes

dogs aint daft, i cannae speak for others, but i can speak for mine, an the dogs my mates own, that i see often.....       an if a dog cannae tell the diffrence between mooching during day, an lam

hello pal i run my dogs behind the van on an old road where no cars go just going slow enough for the dogs to jog behind it for between 6-7 miles about 2 or 3 times a week thats if its not to hot. i s

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Guest dances
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:28, DottyDoo said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:23, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:11, DottyDoo said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:10, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:06, KittleRox said:

Firstly why no fling a baw if you think it makes a difference ? however a baw/lead whatever doesn,t jink like a bunny :no:


secondly and i really can,t be bothered but when you introduce the dug to the lamp when it trys to hunt up after a slip use recall :hmm: don,t worry if you scare all the bunnys in that field away, the initial few trips out are all important, get recall spot on,

a dog with half a brain will soon learn when to keep its head up or nose down depending on the situation :thumbs:


no it doesnt jink like a bunny butstays in an exact spot and if they wanna pick it up before the other dog then they have to get it on the outrun


my dogs return after each and every slip straight away but i was always taught that daytime teaches lamp dogs bad habbits and my mate is seeing that problem atm with his dog.



do yer dogs knopw the diffrence between walking an running after a lead, an working on lamp?????


yh id imigane they do dotty, but as i said i choose not to mooch my dogs often and so i dont. id possibly do it more if i had a terrier but only have the 2 bullxs.



well thats my point mate, my dogs know the diffrence, a mooch in fields gets them a tad excited when i get me boots on an grab the leads..... they will wag tails an sit in sleep boxes happily waiting for me to let them out.....


but if its dark an they see me in lamp cupboard lol, then they will whine like fook to get out an once allowed out, they wont leave my side, for fear of being left in...........


so dogs can an do know the diffrence between theyr jobs.....


you also stated that you dont mooch a lot, so how can ye say 1 way or another that it will make yer lamp dog hunt up :blink:

sounds like ye beleive everything ye hear, instead a trying it for yaself an having yer own opinion :whistling:



you keep mentioning rabbits, an that your dogs aint rabbit dogs, what the fook is that got to do wae it...????


because i dont particularly like mooching when ive been and as far as rabbits are concerned theres f**k all else to mooch for so i dont see the point in anything else

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just for the record, i know this thread has been sidetracked a bit :icon_redface:


but i beleive if ye mooch a dog when ye can be arsed, an lamp the same dog, every now an again, then the dog will probs hunt up while lamping.....


tho take the same dog, an gee it a load a mooching during the day, an a load a lamping at nite, an it will be able to tell the diffrence an act accordingly,


what is it they say....????



practise makes perfect....


back to the fitness thread :icon_redface:

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  On 14/07/2011 at 14:34, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:28, DottyDoo said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:23, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:11, DottyDoo said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:10, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:06, KittleRox said:

Firstly why no fling a baw if you think it makes a difference ? however a baw/lead whatever doesn,t jink like a bunny :no:


secondly and i really can,t be bothered but when you introduce the dug to the lamp when it trys to hunt up after a slip use recall :hmm: don,t worry if you scare all the bunnys in that field away, the initial few trips out are all important, get recall spot on,

a dog with half a brain will soon learn when to keep its head up or nose down depending on the situation :thumbs:


no it doesnt jink like a bunny butstays in an exact spot and if they wanna pick it up before the other dog then they have to get it on the outrun


my dogs return after each and every slip straight away but i was always taught that daytime teaches lamp dogs bad habbits and my mate is seeing that problem atm with his dog.



do yer dogs knopw the diffrence between walking an running after a lead, an working on lamp?????


yh id imigane they do dotty, but as i said i choose not to mooch my dogs often and so i dont. id possibly do it more if i had a terrier but only have the 2 bullxs.



well thats my point mate, my dogs know the diffrence, a mooch in fields gets them a tad excited when i get me boots on an grab the leads..... they will wag tails an sit in sleep boxes happily waiting for me to let them out.....


but if its dark an they see me in lamp cupboard lol, then they will whine like fook to get out an once allowed out, they wont leave my side, for fear of being left in...........


so dogs can an do know the diffrence between theyr jobs.....


you also stated that you dont mooch a lot, so how can ye say 1 way or another that it will make yer lamp dog hunt up :blink:

sounds like ye beleive everything ye hear, instead a trying it for yaself an having yer own opinion :whistling:



you keep mentioning rabbits, an that your dogs aint rabbit dogs, what the fook is that got to do wae it...????


because i dont particularly like mooching when ive been and as far as rabbits are concerned theres f**k all else to mooch for so i dont see the point in anything else

so correct me if I,m wrong Dances but you have two bull x,s which do 50 minutes striking retrieving work everyday but you don,t do bunnys :blink:


p.s. sorry skycat :D

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Guest dances
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:35, DottyDoo said:

just for the record, i know this thread has been sidetracked a bit :icon_redface:


but i beleive if ye mooch a dog when ye can be arsed, an lamp the same dog, every now an again, then the dog will probs hunt up while lamping.....


tho take the same dog, an gee it a load a mooching during the day, an a load a lamping at nite, an it will be able to tell the diffrence an act accordingly,


what is it they say....????



practise makes perfect....


back to the fitness thread :icon_redface:


well thats probably it, advice from people that even though they have had dogs a long time they dont give them much work. As for mine i lamp them 3-4 nights a week during the season and once a week during the summer, dont know if you cant that as alot or not but thats all i have time and can afford to do.



  On 14/07/2011 at 14:39, DottyDoo said:

this thread aint about mooching for bunnys mate, its about mooching for fitness....



me thinks you should get yer dogs stock broke to rabbits, god forbid yer dogs ever catch 1 :tongue2:


how do you do that mate, thats best idea youve had :notworthy:


  On 14/07/2011 at 14:41, KittleRox said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:34, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:28, DottyDoo said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:23, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:11, DottyDoo said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:10, dances said:
  On 14/07/2011 at 14:06, KittleRox said:

Firstly why no fling a baw if you think it makes a difference ? however a baw/lead whatever doesn,t jink like a bunny :no:


secondly and i really can,t be bothered but when you introduce the dug to the lamp when it trys to hunt up after a slip use recall :hmm: don,t worry if you scare all the bunnys in that field away, the initial few trips out are all important, get recall spot on,

a dog with half a brain will soon learn when to keep its head up or nose down depending on the situation :thumbs:


no it doesnt jink like a bunny butstays in an exact spot and if they wanna pick it up before the other dog then they have to get it on the outrun


my dogs return after each and every slip straight away but i was always taught that daytime teaches lamp dogs bad habbits and my mate is seeing that problem atm with his dog.



do yer dogs knopw the diffrence between walking an running after a lead, an working on lamp?????


yh id imigane they do dotty, but as i said i choose not to mooch my dogs often and so i dont. id possibly do it more if i had a terrier but only have the 2 bullxs.



well thats my point mate, my dogs know the diffrence, a mooch in fields gets them a tad excited when i get me boots on an grab the leads..... they will wag tails an sit in sleep boxes happily waiting for me to let them out.....


but if its dark an they see me in lamp cupboard lol, then they will whine like fook to get out an once allowed out, they wont leave my side, for fear of being left in...........


so dogs can an do know the diffrence between theyr jobs.....


you also stated that you dont mooch a lot, so how can ye say 1 way or another that it will make yer lamp dog hunt up :blink:

sounds like ye beleive everything ye hear, instead a trying it for yaself an having yer own opinion :whistling:



you keep mentioning rabbits, an that your dogs aint rabbit dogs, what the fook is that got to do wae it...????


because i dont particularly like mooching when ive been and as far as rabbits are concerned theres f**k all else to mooch for so i dont see the point in anything else

so correct me if I,m wrong Dances but you have two bull x,s which do 50 minutes striking retrieving work everyday but you don,t do bunnys :blink:


p.s. sorry skycat :D


thats spot on, because i like them to retrieve incase i do run the odd bunny

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  On 14/07/2011 at 15:35, iworkwhippets said:

Folding bike, out most nights in summer, stick it in the boot, and bugger off



Now that is what I thought about getting! Like you say in the boot and away,can look at new ground and allsorts

ATB Seany

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Although i don't let the adult dogs become unfit out of season i do increase their roadwork about 6 weeks before the start of the new season,along with a slight increase in diet[barf].They are then entered gradually into the new season,as their fitness and stamina progresses they receive more and longer runs,hard days,nights,in the field will be followed by a rest day or two,they still receive roadwork.Its then a case of judging individual dogs performances,some need more rest,food,exercise,than others to keep them in optimum condition.

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i keep my bitch fit all year round,walk in morning,bike between 3 and 5 miles a night,road and field.She is fit now,but lamping/coursing fit,no way.There is only one thing that does that,and thats work,work work!!!!! I wont be classing her as work fit until at least mid oct :thumbs:



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