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DUCKWING :big_boss:

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Very interesting DVD VV. What has been the reception from the anti trapping brigade?



Reception from the anti trapping brigade? Good question! There certainly are a lot of people to view this. For the most part, we hope to educate the ones who are "on the fence" or that don't have an opinion. The true" animal rights extremistâ€, well that certainly is a different matter all together, isn't it? Unfortunately for many of those no amount of education will change their minds. Many trappers throughout the world have lost some of their valuable harvesting tools, such as the foothold trap, making their jobs more demanding and difficult. However, I am surely impressed by the ingenious ways in which they carry on. We are after all, one "Brotherhoodâ€, regardless I feel which country we reside in or what quarry we pursue! I respect and admire each and every one of the control people that I have been fortunate to have had contact with in the UK. I hope to continue sharing ideas in the future.


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I never trapped a furbearer for the sake of letting it go. That video cost the NTA close to 500 thousand to make an nearly bancrupted the NTA. It also was the biggest mistake they have ever made causing many members to never pay there dues again. It was one of the bigest scandels in the NTA ever. Not to mention they hired the old Vice Pres of the Humane Society. David Wills. I feel you guys should also understand we harvest animals here for the fur. Yes some do control work out west, but trapping is not like trout fishing. Catch and release.


You should have a better understanding of what happend with that video clip since it it not like trapping at all.


Read this


Even Better


Maybe that will give you a better understanding of the man and what his real intentions are with the NTA.


Very interesting DVD VV. What has been the reception from the anti trapping brigade?


They loved it since Wills is on there side and he was paid close to 150K for this project.

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:clapper: I think the promo is excellent from the point of view of traps being banned due to cruelty...the film shows they haven't a case.


500,000 :blink::blink: Where on earth do they get a figure like that from, and to top it off, 150,000 for an anti :censored:

It beggars belief :angry:


One trapper, on his own could of easily made a film of this quality in the course of his work. But, 500,000 :icon_eek: it absolutely stinks. I'm not surprise people left.

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It's not that easy to explain in a few sentences, the organizing members of the NTA treated themselves to first class airfair, hotels, they even racked up credit card debt for the NTA and they are trying to play it off now. Once word got out on the street, the membership has been dropping, the magazine went from 12 months to 10 and now quartly. The funds are dwindling and they are lossing membership every month.

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Where do you live? You sound like an American that knows the inside scoop. I am currently a member of the NTA as well as several other trapping organizations. I have spent over thirty years as a fur trapper and an ADC agent. This is the first I have heard of this incident with the NTA and this video. I still stand behind the NTA although this certainly needs to be cleaned up. One should realize that "United We Stand, Divided We Fall" includes us trappers! (and yes, most trappers in the US and Canada harvest the animals that they catch. Letting an animal go was strictly for show.)


Edited by victoria vixen
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Anyone who has trapped for the last 30 years and ivolved in trapping as much as you claim then this would be common knowledge. You make claims on Trapperman.com that you retired to the Grand Turks Island Bahamas but your still working. A family member was a very well known trapper. Who might that be??

If you could post a few pics of these 10K snared animals, any Walmart will take a paper pic an make it digital.



Now I want you guys to understand something here, if a trapper makes a 10 thousand animal catch most trappers at some piont and time will hear about it. But when one says snares you also have to double that catch since we use foot holds also in are early season. Once the snow flies that is when most switch to snares if legal. So now it's 20K If your talking about a high roller like VV then add in another 4K animals in conibears. So on average of 24K animals very few have taken that many and the ones that do never go unnoticed.

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The 10,000 plus animals is over a 30 year period smartass. Do the math.....do you realize that there are guys in Iowa that snare from 600 to close to a thousand 'coon every year? Duh! Do the math on that one! How many ' coons plus fox and coyotes do you think they caught in snares in say 10 -20 years? It only takes 500 animals a season x 20 years to become 10,000..... That is in a 3 month season too. I snared and trapped 12 months a year since 1971...........I take it that MATH was not your strong point!!! The best "high rollers" are for the most part not in print and if you've been around then YOU'D KNOW THAT! Starting telling everyone what you catch, how you catch it and where it is that you're doing it and see how much competition and theft you create for yourself. Not me. And for your info, I ran snares almost 90% of the time. Why? Well 1st, I'm a woman that is not as strong as some people (although I can hold my own in most cases). And 2nd, I can snare a fox, coyote, 'coon, or beaver a whole lot faster and easier than with traps if you have the right environment. I often ran a line of 3 to 5oo snares at one time. Most of the guys who snare in Iowa run up to 1000. Some of these guys will catch 5o to 100 'coon in a night. I suggest you ask someone who really does it ...DUH! NTA politics? I try to stay out of $#it I have no control over. I was too busy making a living with my nuisance business (which had offices in 3 states and covered 9 to 10 counties) that I recently sold for more $$$$$$$$$$ than you'll ever see. What is your point, son? The world isn't perfect. Nor, I guess is the NTA............but they still use footholds in the good OL' USA...and you can thank the NTA in part for that! I don't condone that mishandling of funds.....quite the contrary.....but I don't go on bad mouthing them either! As for my retirement? I am now retired as of February of this year, and only share advice through my experiences in hopes it will help other trappers throughout the world. Still, I have plans to run lines during fur season with a few trappers in the US this coming winter if all works out. I also would like to visit come other countries and spend time on their control lines. Why? Because I can, that's why! Want to badmouth the NTA? I suggest you go over to Trapperman in the States and start runnin' your mouth......that's who you need to be telling. Of course, you'll get a bigger feedback too.................... (Just food for thought!) Victoria

Edited by victoria vixen
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I snare and I am proud to say it. It is a lethal and humane way to harvest game or predators if done correctly. I have snared over 10,000 animals and have never harmed one hunting dog or pet cat.



do you realize that there are guys in Iowa that snare from 600 to close to a thousand 'coon every year? Yes I do and for a long liner in Iowa, The men that put up the big numbers are all know, Bolte, O'Hearn, Kasper, Steyers, Layton, Anderson, Gibb...... Seems there are guys out there doing it. But one thing is trappers have heard there name before.


I am sure you have a picture somewhere of a large catch.


Then certainly you know this man??





Or these 2.


Edited by NightRunner
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Doesn't look familiar.....but sure I've heard of Red O'Hearn and Phil Brown and Don Bolte and The Leggets and Bud Hall and Craig O Gorman and Marty Stenecker and the late Pud Long etc, etc ,etc,..............Duh? What does that have to do with $#it? If you're not one of them what does it matter? A lot of these guys sell things like instructions or "how to" videos or lure.................DUH! ......you always hear about the large catches if a guy has something to sell! How many Cajuns you know in Louisiana catching thousands of muskrats, year after year? Know any of them? Probably not! Same with 'coon! You see women don't have the EGO problem like "some "of you men do! Always trying to beat your chest and say look at me! One thing I've noticed over here in the UK is that these gentlemen don't boast or brag about their catches.....and I'm sure some are quite impressive! Nice change of pace You, Nightrunner, ,sound as if you're a little jealous....I doubt you're in my league or even worth my time!

Edited by victoria vixen
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