BLACKWATER... 157 Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 NOT taking the piss but what if Lutina or miss lurcher bitch wanted in what would you say then, they have good dogs and good dogs also skycat also, tbh ive got a book atm which is the complete lurcher which states a few of the best lurchers are owned by females. sexism, or afraid of being turned over by the opposite sex? Listen Cassanova. If your that bothered do a women's rabbiting comp just make sure all the dogs are brushed an toes clipped before each heat. Quote Link to post
Stanleigh 135 Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 NOT taking the piss but what if Lutina or miss lurcher bitch wanted in what would you say then, they have good dogs and good dogs also skycat also, tbh ive got a book atm which is the complete lurcher which states a few of the best lurchers are owned by females. sexism, or afraid of being turned over by the opposite sex? Paddy , Paddy , Paddy you haven,t read the rules have you ? Misogyny is a requirement on this site or you will be called a gay ladyboy. Quote Link to post
hedz31 1,308 Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 NOT taking the piss but what if Lutina or miss lurcher bitch wanted in what would you say then, they have good dogs and good dogs also skycat also, tbh ive got a book atm which is the complete lurcher which states a few of the best lurchers are owned by females. sexism, or afraid of being turned over by the opposite sex? How do ye know they have good dogs have ye seen them work ? dont make yourself look daft kidder ye have a habit of doing that, and stop reading shitty books like the complete lurcher and beliving all ye read the folks that write them are not great dog men or women they are good writers thats all and young lads that read books think because they have wrote books they must be gods anf for the record i aint sexist but ive never seen a decent dog woman yet Quote Link to post
Guest dances Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 NOT taking the piss but what if Lutina or miss lurcher bitch wanted in what would you say then, they have good dogs and good dogs also skycat also, tbh ive got a book atm which is the complete lurcher which states a few of the best lurchers are owned by females. sexism, or afraid of being turned over by the opposite sex? How do ye know they have good dogs have ye seen them work ? dont make yourself look daft kidder ye have a habit of doing that, and stop reading shitty books like the complete lurcher and beliving all ye read the folks that write them are not great dog men or women they are good writers thats all and young lads that read books think because they have wrote books they must be gods anf for the record i aint sexist but ive never seen a decent dog woman yet thats spot on. ive seen woman that can look after dogs well but never seen a woman who can work em Quote Link to post
Guest xSWEETCHEEKSx Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 THERES NOTHING SPOT ON ABOUT IT the dog world isnt just for males ,its attitudes like that , that cause women to work low paid jobs and have to put up with tha sh*t that goes along with them i am more than able to work a dog in the feild and to train one my ferreting dog works very well and my lamping dog will work on her own i will admit im not into working terriers my ex partner has done for years ive often helped with the aftercare of the smaller dogs but the venturing out creeping under hedges and shoveling no thanks too much bother and at £20 a fortnight nail maintainance is it worth it myself and my children manage quite well to get out and "do a bit" and i grasp every chance to go lamping working round the children i do understand that some dogs.... some take a bit more restraining but not all but im sure not all of the male hunters on here or in your comp are built like body builders . Quote Link to post
jambay5 191 Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 THERES NOTHING SPOT ON ABOUT IT the dog world isnt just for males ,its attitudes like that , that cause women to work low paid jobs and have to put up with tha sh*t that goes along with them i am more than able to work a dog in the feild and to train one my ferreting dog works very well and my lamping dog will work on her own i will admit im not into working terriers my ex partner has done for years ive often helped with the aftercare of the smaller dogs but the venturing out creeping under hedges and shoveling no thanks too much bother and at £20 a fortnight nail maintainance is it worth it myself and my children manage quite well to get out and "do a bit" and i grasp every chance to go lamping working round the children i do understand that some dogs.... some take a bit more restraining but not all but im sure not all of the male hunters on here or in your comp are built like body builders . I have to say i totally agree one of the best dogs i have ever seen was owned and trained by a woman, also i agree that digging with terriers sounds 2 much like hard work! no afence to anyone into that game. Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 Does any one run any kind of lamping competition in the winter for people from this site send a pm to a member named ..baw think he is running one ive tried to message b.a.w but my blinking computer wont let me send a private message , are females aloud in his competition ?? only if you got a saluki .or a sheep dog it's your lucky day sweet cheeks, my competition is female only. And before any guys call me sexist, too damn right I am, no thumb print on my brew the rules are simple, single only, that's marital status not dogs. Double ups are favourable, again I'm not talking about dogs. All applicants must be over 18 so i need proof. Just pm the baw with your best photos, no need to include the dogs, with a short description including height, statistics, preferences, the usual stuff. Remember this is an exclusive competition so bit of advice with the photos, less is best, good luck Keep the photos coming ladies Quote Link to post
jf1970 328 Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 hi ladies, baw has just informed me that his inbox is full and not to worry about him not getting your photos, he said to let you all know that if you would kindly pm your photos to me and i will forward them on to him when he has managed to empty his inbox, sorry for any inconvenience caused Quote Link to post
iworkwhippets 12,752 Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 NOT taking the piss but what if Lutina or miss lurcher bitch wanted in what would you say then, they have good dogs and good dogs also skycat also, tbh ive got a book atm which is the complete lurcher which states a few of the best lurchers are owned by females. sexism, or afraid of being turned over by the opposite sex? Lutina, luv it Quote Link to post
troter58 1,711 Posted July 20, 2011 Report Share Posted July 20, 2011 paddy think your smitten with the ladies get in there lad Quote Link to post
THE MAN 9 Posted July 26, 2011 Report Share Posted July 26, 2011 bump get the slit arse`s in on the comp Quote Link to post
lancer 13 Posted July 27, 2011 Report Share Posted July 27, 2011 as long as the hoovering dusting and the meals are cooked,all the washing done ect, idont see why women cant participate Quote Link to post
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