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Out with Martin yesterday evening at his market garden where the farmer also keeps a large flock of hens for eggs .He loses a few from time to time but losses are down this year thanks to Martins efforts so a chance at of one whilst layed up for a buck was not to be missed.A fox appeared suddenly at the top left corner of a dell i was lead in .It was on the tree line and about 160 yds away i suppose so i squeaked to which it ran straight at me down the valley side and stopped at about 20 yds and game over, off the bipod ,a vixen that had cubs this year but now dry .Stayed put until last light then went to join Martin who was up in a high seat .Went from here to a stable set up where theres also a few fowl kept and a litter nearby .Martin lamped whilst i got ready on sticks and he squeaked a few times to which an instant response came out the long grass in the form of two cubs towards us .i shot the furthest but the other was having none of it and scarpered .The next stand was in a field of hay grass with patches of short that we hoped a fox would come out on .Martin squeaked again and a flash of eyes appeared way down the field .i could make charlie out plainly in the scope but Martin said there was a house in that direction which of course meant a no go .Anyway the eyes were making their way to us very slowly when Martin span round to reveal a fox only 15 yds away creeping into a wood .I shot off the sticks but free hand as i was holding the sticks up a bit to get over the grass and fox number three was added .The eyes became two sets and approached but using the grass like a leopard would and no shot presented before they disappeared altogether.Back up to the top and a fox was on the edge of the long grass but retreated as the lamp hit it .We hurried forward and i managed a dog fox at about 50 yds so all in all pleased but not the tally i need to beat Locals four ,lol.



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I like the way they are in ascending size order mate - very artistic. Some good shooting there mate - I'm sure if a fifth had presented a shot you would have made a better job than i did :whistling:

Edited by Local
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I like the way they are in ascending size order mate - very artistic. Some good shooting there mate - I'm sure if a fifth had presented a shot you would have made a better job than i did :whistling:



Mate,don't go there........in the next field(adjoining permission)we flicked the lamp on to see one straight away,Dropper was down on the bipod,but,the phone went...."what time are you coming home"? that gave the fox enough time to get into a poor position whilst still chasing rabbits in the lamp! My bad,I should of let the phone vibrate,and he SO wanted to beat you mate...lol There are still oads about though Local,so try to get a night time pass to get over here bud,and we will settle the score.


Martin :thumbs:

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Martin should have your ring tone as a squeaker call and would have brought it in rather than chase it away lol :D good shooting.



Funny you should say that mate,cos my ringtone is a duck call.....lol,but I had it on vibrate.

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