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Martin you do as you like matey, i'm the last person to tell you what you should do or not do with your dog. Stripping pulls the older, dying hair out and allows the newer coat to come through, sometimes harder and sometimes not. Generally the coat is better of for being stripped but it is time consuming and a pain in the arse to say the least.


I strip out my fell type of dead hair and the coat looks ok to me, so i would have thought a Russel would be the same. In the end though its up to the owner mate.

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if you have a border strip by hand, dont no about other breeds. if a border was worked to ground or for bushing and it lost small patches of coat here and there, would the new coat grow ? and if so would your dogs coat be at different stages of growth.

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My Border is used for Earth work, as the name Border Terrier suggests. her coat is very thick and if any is rubbed off or missing it is normally on her head, normally caused by another animals teeth. :black eye:


Before they are ready for stripping, a Border's coat can best be described as a mess and the dog actually likes having the old taken off,apart from being messed about that is. The whole lot comes off in a one'er when she is stripped and she has no say in it. I'll add, i strip the coat off my Border to tidy her up and ensure a good coat is carried on, i don't do it for the "Show Season", although i do like my dogs to look well. :kiss:

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Guest Eamon.Mc

I'm looking these borders stripped for showing.




















































anyone do it for me?

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sorry eamon, dont get your meaning.nelson glad to read you work your border to ground, maybe i can ask again would a borders coat grow at different stages if it lost some coat through work or even by accident.

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Not sure Rob as like i said, the whole lot comes off and is down to the wood so it all starts off the same length again. Old Border dog i had got mange and lost a fair bit of coat but that all grew back ok as well, just looked a mess.


Thing with a Border is they have a double coat so its stripped down to "bum fluff" and the harsher coat grows through it

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No probs Rob, i'm just not sure how to answer the question :icon_redface:


In my experience you have been able to see where the coat has gone missing but that grows back after the next strip, hope that answers it for you Rob.


Not a good picture but the coat goes from something like this..........




To this......................




Given a few weeks after stripping.

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I have a bitch here on loan that is clipped about every two months (not by me i might add) i have always been of the feeling that it is bad to clip a dogs coat and some it may well be, but this bitches coat grows back just the same with no bother at all. :yes:

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Go on then Vixen, where have i knocked a terrier that only works cover ?, i haven't. i also use my terriers for hunting up and such like.


I have used a stripping knife for all of 10 years, that's all, i am only a newcomer by your standards i know but it works for me, someone asked my opinion and i tried to answer....................how very dare i.


You do what you want and i'll do what i want, my dogs seem to look ok though despite me butchering them with a stripping knife.

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