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injured lurcher pups

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i never said i was gettin rid i said i wanted some advice on weather it would heal properly or not and if it would affect it later on i was willing to pay 4 an xray but the vet said it didnt need 1 for just a cracked bone if it wasnt a full break i just dont want to spend all the time fetching a pup on if it isnt going to b able to do its job because as every1 knows it does take a long time to fetch a pup on :wallbash:



Mate if your going to backtrack, atleast edit your first post, where you did indeed state

hi all


im struggleing to decide what to do about my pup ive recently had it to the vets because of a limp on its back leg and the vet has told me he thinks it has cracked a bone in its leg altho he never xrayed it. but the problem dosent seem to be getting any better i dont know whever to get rid of it or keep it and give it the benifit of the doubt the pup is only 4 and a half months old will the problem keep on showin when the dog is old enough to start coursing or will it heal could i have some opinions please








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Give him a break people, I was a bit harsh too in my first reply but edited it for a couple of reasons. He's only asking advice as he said "it dosen't seem to be getting any better" and was worried that the dog may not be able to do the job is was bought/bred for. He was also advised by the vet that "it doesn't need an x-ray at this point"...I can understand why the vet would say that as an x-ray may not necessarily show anything and if it is a fracture it will heal by itself anyway and the treatment would be the same for every scenario - rest.


We all complain when a vet does unnecessary tests and costs you a fortune, on this occasion it sounds like this vet isn't ripping anyone off and is giving sound advice.

thankyou i am new to owning dogs even tho ive been owt with them most of my life i do appreiciate all advice cheers :thumbs:

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yes pernod im sorry i did say that but as you so rightly pointed out in ur highlighted part if you carry on reading just past that im asking the question will the problem keep showing when the pup is old enough to start coursing( i do believe that is a sensabe question and i was hoping for some advice from the people on here who regulary work dogs and may have had similar circumstances all the advie i can get is appreciated as im new to owning working dogs)

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