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morning out

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was off work today, so decided to head out & catch a few bunnys! i havent been out ferreting quite as much as id like due to a baby in the house! :laugh: , and thaught id take the camera & take some shots, ( marking, pursing, & maybe a few landscape shots!) only to find my battery had gone! :censored: so youll have to do with this one in the back garden! :laugh: , the border marked true every time, meg the whippet held a couple in the nets till i got there, the ferret killed one in, wich resulted in a 4 foot dig. we had 7 at the end, ( which is a good little morning out round here!) not one had young, but i will draw an end to the season whithin the next month or so i think! happy hunting, rhys. :drink:

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the fezz, my mate had him before me, & he was marking straight away, after a couple of rags! the only thing is, some of the burries are big & he is small, so sometimes we have to dig him out! hes not the best at hunting up, or following a line, but he has never false marked! :yes: , round here , for every 20 burys you pass, 1 may hold, & then its only 1 or 2 bunnys, so a dog is a must! :yes:

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