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terrier in vet in a bad way

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well two weeks ago the terier went in to a bad way so we took her to the vets and she said its slipd discs so she gave us pain killers and said give her plenty of rest so the terrier has been in the cage 24/7 apart from toilets then she went really bad lasy night worse than before so we took her to vets today and they are now saying its nothing to do with her back its her organs or womb and they said she might have to go for a operation that is going to cost thousands and they said its not fair as shes such a wee dog then they said best option is to get her pts but we dont know whats happening yet till they phone us back :(

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Can she walk ,does she yelp whilst doing so,does she strain whilst passing motions and is there blood in it if so what colour .If its the second diagnosis then an infection of the uterus is the most likely which is bad news mate as antibiotics dont seem to touch infection there . If shes worth it then size has nothing to do with any treatment .PM me if preferred.

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Surely if the vet wrongly diagnosed they should cough up towards the operation . But, if she is in a bad way it may be kinder to let her go and change your vet for the future. Have you thought about getting a second opinion from a different vet Good luck

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They must be a really lousy vet if they thought that a pyometra was a back problem: :censored: :censored: :censored: I think you should have some serious words with them. Sounds to me like a serious neglect of duty and failure to offer the right kind of care to an animal. :censored:

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well they phoned us back and said we cant keep her in so we have doped her eye balls with pain killers they said its a disc in her back that has colapsed in next to the other and there may be an infection it the dics thats collapsed but when we pick her up of ge near her she squeels like a mad thing so shes in lots of paind but tough wood she hasnt squeeld since she came back from vet but they said if she isnt better by satterday she has to get pts :(

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well they phoned us back and said we cant keep her in so we have doped her eye balls with pain killers they said its a disc in her back that has colapsed in next to the other and there may be an infection it the dics thats collapsed but when we pick her up of ge near her she squeels like a mad thing so shes in lots of paind but tough wood she hasnt squeeld since she came back from vet but they said if she isnt better by satterday she has to get pts :(


Sorry to here that, Saturday? that's a long time to be in chronic pain. I hope you make the right choice. :thumbs:

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wow that vets rubbish! i dont know any vet round here that would leave them that long in so much pain and the one my misses has her dog at i concider terrible..


lets hope that your dogs ok by then though... i know what i would of done as hard as it is though..



pain killers - a way to hide something that cant be fixed...

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