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How long is a bitch in labour

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  On 10/07/2011 at 21:36, philkemp said:

She started last nite panting and getting restless and bin the same all day a bit of water or fluid has passed maybe 2 hour since is it normal for a bitch to be wat i call in labour any advice cheers Phil


It could take Ages yet. Is your Bitch Having her First Litter?If it was my Bitch i would stay with her all night Has i have done in the Past.I hope Everything goes Well.

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my whippet had the first one stuck, it soon came out and the other 5 quickly followed, but there was 2 pups per embrionic sack, it lasted around an hour, but how long is a piece of string? each dogs different, they dont have a set amount of pups, or, a set amount of time in laabour, atb tho matey :thumbs:

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  On 10/07/2011 at 21:42, philkemp said:
  On 10/07/2011 at 21:40, rocky1 said:

mine went 2days ,but she had problems ,keep i eye on her he could be strugling ,hope not

Wat happened we yours pal? why did she struggle?

don,t know what happened it was her second litter ,first went smoothly ,the second went horrible wrong lost all the pups but 1 and she had 2 be cut open and spaded handreared the last pup but me right of breeding for life

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Is the bitch actually having contractions? They are unmistakable. You can see her whole body tense up, and the contraction looks as though all her abdominal muscles tense really hard: all over her back, ribs and stomach. She stops panting when a contraction happens too.


If she hasn't actually started having contractions and she is just panting then she is still probably in the first stage of labour: this is when the cervix begins to open. It is uncomfortable for her, and is one of the causes of digging and pawing at the ground or her bed.


When you say the bitch passed a bit of fluid, do you know how much? It is normal for a bit of clearish mucous to be passed somewhere around the start of the first stage of labour: as much as 48 hours before contractions start. This is the mucous plug which sealed the cervix during pregnancy to stop any bacteria getting into the uterus and affecting the developing puppies.


If the bitch has started contractions, and nothing has happened after a couple of hours, then you need to get to the vet fast: a big pup could be blocking the way: it often seems that a big pup is the first born, and that can cause problems, or if the pup is presented the wrong way (breech birth, bum first with its hind legs tucked up along its body).


Sometimes the first stage can last for 48 hours,lots of panting, scratching about, restlessness: a worrying time for the owner and I've never learned to sit back and not worry :laugh: as the bitch, especially a first time bitch, can get really stressed out by what is happening to her.

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  On 10/07/2011 at 22:26, skycat said:

Is the bitch actually having contractions? They are unmistakable. You can see her whole body tense up, and the contraction looks as though all her abdominal muscles tense really hard: all over her back, ribs and stomach. She stops panting when a contraction happens too.


If she hasn't actually started having contractions and she is just panting then she is still probably in the first stage of labour: this is when the cervix begins to open. It is uncomfortable for her, and is one of the causes of digging and pawing at the ground or her bed.


When you say the bitch passed a bit of fluid, do you know how much? It is normal for a bit of clearish mucous to be passed somewhere around the start of the first stage of labour: as much as 48 hours before contractions start. This is the mucous plug which sealed the cervix during pregnancy to stop any bacteria getting into the uterus and affecting the developing puppies.


If the bitch has started contractions, and nothing has happened after a couple of hours, then you need to get to the vet fast: a big pup could be blocking the way: it often seems that a big pup is the first born, and that can cause problems, or if the pup is presented the wrong way (breech birth, bum first with its hind legs tucked up along its body).


Sometimes the first stage can last for 48 hours,lots of panting, scratching about, restlessness: a worrying time for the owner and I've never learned to sit back and not worry :laugh: as the bitch, especially a first time bitch, can get really stressed out by what is happening to her.

Cheers very heipful would say it looks more like shes shaking allover from her ribs to her back end are they contactions? shes calmed down for time being just shaking when led down and panting una bring a matress down for nite just to make sure im about if anything happens cheer Phil

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Your can't mistake a contraction. It is not a shaking thing at all: she is shaking because she is in a bit of pain, very stressed, and doesn't understand what is happening to her. Like I said, a contraction is unmistakable: imagine you are really constipated and trying to push it out: for want of a better description :whistling: that's what the bitch will look like when she's having a contraction.


Very rarely, the uterus can't contract either because of a breed fault, an over stretched uterus if there is a huge litter in side the bitch, or if she is very fat and out of condition. Keep an eye on her, don't stress out yourself or that will affect her too, and only start worrying if she has had contractions for more than 2 hours without having a pup. Good luck. And I'd phone your vet first thing in the morning if your'e worried. Vets only see problem whelpings so they have a lot of experience of things going wrong and will be able to reassure you as to whether there is any need to worry or not.

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  On 11/07/2011 at 12:17, rocky1 said:

as she had any pups yet

No pal syill the same took her to the vets about dinner time and he gave her an injection to bring her on a bit quicker but doesnt seem to have had much affect he checked her inside and he said her cervix was open and they was no pup stuck, dont think shes had a contraction yet if skycats descriptions right, hopefully they will be here soon cause i think the next step is a cicarion which i really want to avoid will keep you posted cheers phil

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  On 11/07/2011 at 17:22, philkemp said:
  On 11/07/2011 at 16:25, fcuktheban said:

Good luck with the bitch and pups, you could try offereing her some ice to keep her cool.

Cheers pal shes got a fan on her to keep her cool

get some powder glucose and give her a teaspoon between each puppy really helps with tiredness

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