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Permission needed in and around hull area

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  On 10/07/2011 at 18:40, djwarner said:

Permission needed in and around hull area Any land needing rid of rabbits pm me plz

Mate not a lot to go. I got loads round that way and know a lot of the lads who got the rest. To many toe rags poaching it unless you know the land owners personally you will struggle. Where bouts you at and what you lookin at doin?



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From east hull and just rabbiting [bANNED TEXT] my ferrets I have 5 working ferrets and 2 kits for next year I have been going down the drain and down bike track I have knocked on farmas door but I think the don't let me because of the way I dress just coz I were a cap don't like it when pepole juge u by the way I dress

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Try dressing not like a chav then?


Be polite, even if they say no. Just go back a couple month later and ask how they getting on with their rabbit problem.


Dont just knock and say "can i ferret on your land" ... have a chat, mention about noticing the amount of rabbits in an area easily veiwable (so they dont think your snooping around the land), give them info on what type of hunting you would like to do.



but dressing smartly helps too.... i would not even consider letting a chavy dresser tag along with me. experience says that most chavy dressers,,, are chavs!

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No.. What im saying is if you look respectful when you go looking for permission you will be taken more seriously rather than some kid who wants to roll around the mud... But seeing as you couldnt pick that up from what I said, im going to assume you are just some kid, thanks to that response :)

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  On 11/07/2011 at 16:03, djwarner said:

But I was told never juge a book by it's cover and nobody even says Chav any more so eat do I calle u then wat clothes do u were because I don't dress like u

You've got to have respect to get respect and judging by a few replies mate it's something you seem to be lacking.

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  On 11/07/2011 at 16:06, djwarner said:

I'm not having a a go but. Just cos I dress different so wat ur saying we shud all dress like u

I'm sure no one gives a flying shite what you dress like, but if you're saying that the farmers are turning you away because of how you dress.....why would you just keep going dressed like that anyway? It's not rocket science is it fella!!! :wallbash:


To be honest, as has already been said, you do seem cocky and disrespectful, so why the hell would anyone let you on the their land?

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