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Starting a pup

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Over here in Aus, we really just start taking our dogs out as soon as they can walk, and we get them jumping fences as soon as they are able to. I have two bitches i raised from pups and they turned out pretty good but when i see videos of the british lurchermans dog, they seem better in a way. Now one of my bitches is having pups and i was going to keep two of them, i was going to raise one how an australian would, and i was going to raise the other how the average british lurcherman would. So what ages should i start taking them out in the field? what ages should i start them jumping? what ages should i start them retrieving? and what ages should i start putting them on rabbits, then hares, then foxes, then bigger stuff? and what ages should i start them on the lamp? Now i know it's illegal over you way but i guess you could go off preban. Over here it's perfectly legal, just to make that clear. The breed is 1/8th bull, 1/8th borzoi, 2/8th greyhound, 1/8th ridgeback and 3/8 irish wolfhound. I would imagine the pups turning out around 26 inches to the shoulder.


Thank you in advance for the advice.

Edited by Ausnick
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