dai dog 11 Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 id rather dog 1 fox than shoot 100, but thats just me! please dont think bad of me! Quote Link to post
nelson 0 Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 LocalYokel (you don't mind if I call you "Loco" for short?) Read my post again, and tell me where it says that "I" personally am more in tune with the countryside. But in my experience, I find dog men on the whole to be so. I will admit that I have never felt comfortable around guns, and this probably colours my judgement. As for the comedy, why not? It eases the tension somewhat, among all the tit for tat shit. ......... and dont you ever call me ignorant .. Your right about the comedy David, there is sometimes too much tension and too much mulling over the typed word on this forum, which lets be honest, is a form of entertainment in its self. I must draw the line when you take the mick out of Barbour coats with no home though Quote Link to post
scottish lurcher 185 Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 (edited) i agree with eamon.mc my mates shoot fox with rifles but only realy one or two everynight. as there is such thing as overkill!!!oh and mole trapper you are spot on!!! dont want to jump on the band wagon but i kown a few guys who are rifle men i personal dont like shooting but these guy only shoot a couple at nite they have told me they could easly shoot more but if the do there wont be any left for next time i know if they no if there any with cubs in the area the stay clear could just be a couple of bad eegs mate sure some great rirfle men out there respect wat they do so my question to you if you go on a dig and find cubs what do you do? Edited March 3, 2007 by scottish lurcher Quote Link to post
lucky 578 Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 i agree with eamon.mc my mates shoot fox with rifles but only realy one or two everynight. as there is such thing as overkill!!! oh and mole trapper you are spot on!!! dont want to jump on the band wagon but i kown a few guys who are rifle men i personal dont like shooting but these guy only shoot a couple at nite they have told me they could easly shoot more but if the do there wont be any left for next time i know if they no if there any with cubs in the area the stay clear could just be a couple of bad eegs mate sure some great rirfle men out there respect wat they do so my question to you if you go on a dig and find cubs what do you do? they will probabably get killed, but not left for days waiting for mother to come home,most people stop for the season when cubs are found unless they really have to go out Quote Link to post
lucky 578 Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 the type of shooters i think most of us are reffering to are the one's that want to kill everything they see, they only have to watch the warrener and there out wipeing the fox & deer population out without any consideration for anything, proper wankers imo. the problem is the majority of shooters give that very impression, and the worst i have met are the ones that will pay ridiculous amounts of money to go shoot the big exotic stuff abroad just for the buzz they get out of blowing holes in stuff, i was in the gun shop a while back and there was a man in there bragging about how many seals he shot of the rocks on his last shooting holiday Quote Link to post
sambo123 662 Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 Sport. Conservation. Preservation. BAN. I too am lucky to live in a different country where the rifle laws are a bit more stringent and it is slightly more difficult to obtain a FAC, though that is changing rapidly for the worse I may add, some of the guys I know that have recently aquired a FAC I would'nt trust them with a catapult. I aggree with men having rifles to CONTROL not to slaughter, my father shoots a rifle but then he has been shooting 50 years and knows the way nature works and does'nt slaughter. As for those who are banging on about owning land I don't know many guys that go out with rifles that own large swathes of land or rear cattle and sheep, they are lucky to have a FAC so out they go Johnny Rambo for the night drive round the countryside shooting anything that moves. We all see the holes in road signs and such like and I know there are a great number of honnest men shooting with rifles but it's the idiots that this thread is directed at not those of you who respect their quarry ALIVE OR DEAD! I sympathise with you terriermen accross the puddle as we had a difficult season here finding charlie to ground but we still managed to find some good game to ground so we did't have a real bad season as opposed to some of you in Eng,Sco,Wales. I think these rifle men are not going to go away and I don't mean the responsible lads and their numbers will increase but it's up to everyone in the fields to try and educate these assholes rather than just fcuk them off as that will more than likely make them want to shoot more, I think education is the key not condemnation. JMO. good post that mate.again ill say it but im 16 years old and iv seen three foxes in my life.the boys that go out on the mass slaughter f*kin piss me off.my little brother asked me what colour a fox is the other day and i thought to myself that thats tellin us something.it takes 2 fe*kin minutes to blast a foxes brain out and think your good.but it takes years of determination to tell a dog what it needs to do.im relatively scared of firearms.and thats a good state in my mind. sam Quote Link to post
marrajack 1 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 took the terriers out to today to check an earth, that we knew was used , got there this morning, tried the dogs but nothing, then the farmer came along and told us that some other boys that have got permission on his land had been out last night and shot a dog an a vixen last night, as you can imagen we were not very happy [Worst of it a lot of the lads in my neck of the woods who are slaughtering, are ex terrier lads, the way I look at it, you must never have been a dog lad to get into this, unless you are keepering/keeping a farmer happy, to go round killing with no permission is unacceptable] Quote Link to post
Mars 42 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 took the terriers out to today to check an earth, that we knew was used , got there this morning, tried the dogs but nothing, then the farmer came along and told us that some other boys that have got permission on his land had been out last night and shot a dog an a vixen last night, as you can imagen we were not very happy I had the same problem, with a lad on some joint permission we had he loved his shooting. "I gave him a terrier pup took him out a couple of times, now no more problem lol. Yis Mars. Quote Link to post
Yokel Matt 918 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 LocalYokel (you don't mind if I call you "Loco" for short?) Read my post again, and tell me where it says that "I" personally am more in tune with the countryside. But in my experience, I find dog men on the whole to be so. I will admit that I have never felt comfortable around guns, and this probably colours my judgement. As for the comedy, why not? It eases the tension somewhat, among all the tit for tat shit. ......... and dont you ever call me ignorant .. Davis2363... i'm not looking to cause any consternation here and i commend your pride / dedication on your dog/s :thumbs-up: . I shouldn't have called you ignorant as i don't know you... i apologise, it was out of order (same for Porky :thumbs-up: ). Quite rightly, as i don't have any dogs myself (yet) my comments in this section are a bit frickin ignorant themselves. I have a lot of respect for the dogging fraternity (especially those with a good sense of humour ) and have enjoyed many days out with them but don't appreciate it when it gets a slagging in favour of other methods. Like i said earlier on, its easy to get the wrong end of the stick on these threads and people making sweeping generalisations only serves to wind people up. Seeing the thread title i (as i'm sure you would) felt the need to have my 2 cents worth and try and stick up for shooting... as i would if someone put something equally controversial about dogs in the shooting 'section' . This could go on forever.. there are wankers in all areas who will only give the rest of us a bad name. f**k them... I don't want to bicker with the genuine chaps Quote Link to post
david2363 42 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Fair play to you Loco, To be honest , it isnt a problem on the ground that I go on. There are plenty of foxes. The only "Dirty Harrys" that I see around here are wildfowlers. Give that rifle of yours a pat on the head from me. Quote Link to post
FPO 0 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Has anyone asked the farmer if he is pissed off with the foxes being shot? maybe he wanted them gone and not just used for 'sport' Ooops probably opened up for a string of abuse, but at the end of the day If the foxes are a problem to the farmer, he will want them gone, not let loose for another chance and to become even more cunning. Admit that there are some people that should not be allowed to shoot and that there are lots that educate the foxes against lamps but Also know that when a vixen came and killed 25 of my chickens in under an hour. Terriers didnt find the fox and cubs, but by the next day My husband riffle had. How do we know it was hers cubs, because my husband got his boots dirty following the trail of dead chickens. Quote Link to post
mouse 282 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Well done lads keep it up, who needs antis, when we can bitch at each other in public and let them sit back and rub their hands together. Fu....g great. Mouse you say in your experience it is the norm for riflemen to leave injured foxes everywhere, can you please quantify such a sweeping statement, as in certain circles that could render you liable for slander and defemation of character. There is an old saying, its better to keep your mouth shut and let people think your stupid, than to open it and prove it. :whistle: you probably have never met any antis mate when out at night poping everything off.and no i aint f****n stupid,pot calling kettle black,twat. Quote Link to post
conor 7 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 took the terriers out to today to check an earth, that we knew was used , got there this morning, tried the dogs but nothing, then the farmer came along and told us that some other boys that have got permission on his land had been out last night and shot a dog an a vixen last night, as you can imagen we were not very happy i know exactly how you feel mate.....pissed off! just like me i had a bit of a rant on here about a month back and the response was 50/50. i'd just looked at a post from some lads who'd been out and rifled a dozen charlies in one night i'd never disagree ther needs to be some culling done but there's always next season to consider. dug five foxes just the otherday but they certainly weren't all dead at the end of it, fighting fit in fact!!! shot a couple of oldish dog foxes and left the rest to run glad to hear i'm not the only one with these thoughts. cheers tallyho vinnie you prick, you were told about the twelve foxes why they were shot, to protect our livestock. ewes lambing, pricks dont listen Quote Link to post
Guest baldie Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Some of the posts on this thread are nothing short of disgraceful.Denigrating another mans sport, because you dont like it , is handing it to the other side. I shoot foxes because i like doing it. I like to connect , and kill with a good 200 yard shot, in a howling wind, Thats takes real skill, and all you "experts" who think a rifle and hi powered sight, kills foxes on its own, need to take your head out of your arses. You make me f*****g laugh, some of you, bleating away, that the riflemen are "taking" your sport.....i,ll bet a third of you dont have any permission, and another third dont have game birds to protect, so you are breaking the law. Farmers ask riflemen on to do a job, kill the offending fox, not f**k about with it, and let it go. I,m not just a rifleman, i keep a lurcher, i was whip for a fell pack for six years, and still enjoy a days digging , when the time allows, in short, i,ve got all the f*****g t shirts. Just sit back, and think before you post eh? no one owns the foxes, whoever gets there first gets them, and using a dog alone, doesnt make it sport solely either. I,m not shooting at the moment because they are breeding and denning, how many of you are still digging pregnant vixens? Let he without sin, cast the first stone. Quote Link to post
mole trapper 1,694 Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Conor dont waste your time trying to educate pork. We wasted our time and money trying to save these dickwads by showing our support up london, but they got burned and now find there sport having a pop at us, look at the amateur mouse spouting off, he aint got a clue, but feels he has to have a go at people who make their living sorting out fox problems for farmers. Weekend sport and he thinks he knows it all, join the sabs mouse after all your doing a great job for them, TWAT. Quote Link to post
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