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Its been fun. But I feel we have gone as far as we can anything more would simply be going round the circle yet again. Besides I have a business to run.







The irony is.......some of the folk you describe as neanderthals dont have to run their buiseness they have people doing it for them ;) ...and you have the front to think your a higher class because you can spell and understand words with more than 3 syllables......what a lemon :D


The thing is 'he's' had to go 'run his business' at nearly half past five, so I guess it's a take-away :laugh:

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What is it with some misrable basterds out there, see a young lad with trackie on there autamaticly a chav, and now if your a certain age and wear camo gear your still a chav. Pathetic!


"Certain Type" who are you...the fecking queen? take the plums out your gobb and f**k off :wankerzo4:

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you should approach one of them shaved headed tattoed lads,and explain in depth what you think of thier apperance and thier attire.im sure they would love a chance to defend themselfs.Do you actually realise how f*****g stupid you are.Ian should just ban your sorry arse from here.

you see old chum that would be the manly thing to do

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The one that always stick's in my head is the amount of people at the 2005 warteloo cup that where wearing realtree.. :blink: ..WTF would they have been trying to hide from perched on a grass embankment with a few hundred less...more suitable clothed folk.. :blink:

THE COLD :icon_eek:

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I've read this thread/debate over the last couple of days: Magdon is a pompous out of date garrulitas! who might be best served in the current economic climate we find ourselves in running his business, rather the criticising others for their style of dress, which in my opinion is a purely personal choice.


I mightn't like BMW drivers, but I not going to start thread about it.


You sir are an intentio peto.

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Its been fun. But I feel we have gone as far as we can anything more would simply be going round the circle yet again. Besides I have a business to run.







The irony is.......some of the folk you describe as neanderthals dont have to run their buiseness they have people doing it for them ;) ...and you have the front to think your a higher class because you can spell and understand words with more than 3 syllables......what a lemon :D


The thing is 'he's' had to go 'run his business' at nearly half past five, so I guess it's a take-away :laugh:





Or An Ann Summer party, time to get the whips and knickers out!!

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Its been fun. But I feel we have gone as far as we can anything more would simply be going round the circle yet again. Besides I have a business to run.







The irony is.......some of the folk you describe as neanderthals dont have to run their buiseness they have people doing it for them ;) ...and you have the front to think your a higher class because you can spell and understand words with more than 3 syllables......what a lemon :D


The thing is 'he's' had to go 'run his business' at nearly half past five, so I guess it's a take-away :laugh:





Or An Ann Summer party, time to get the whips and knickers out!!


If it's tweed knickers, Magdon will be in there like a rat up a drain!! :boogie:

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Some Points:


No.1: I've just wasted nearly 2 hours of my life reading this shite.


No. 2: Got to Give Mogmoron some credit for defending his corner against all and sundry for days, as he is articulate,

despite being a twat.


No. 3: That pic is the first time I've ever thought that Kate Middleton was remotely attractive, but would have been more so in realtree.


No. 4: There's good people in cammo or tweeds and wankers in cammo or tweeds.:thumbs:


Cheers, D.

Edited by dytkos
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personally i think hes a c**t and i hope nasty things happen to him.And that comes from a tatoo man with a bald headlol.Iv only said that because iv jut been sent s picture of him and i dont like his hair cut as he stated earlier he can judge a peron by his hair c**t and not his minerals.I also ask why mods have not deleted the anti scum bag as iv seen them delete decent dog working men the last few weeks

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I have just done a search and have discovered magdon is actually Gaelic for prick :thumbs:

does that not tell you somethin simo ,ban the c**t


It was sarcasm scent :laugh: another mod beat me to it, the prick is gone :thumbs:

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