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  On 08/07/2011 at 11:37, Magdon said:
  On 08/07/2011 at 11:22, IanB said:

Magdon, are you trying provoke a reaction here, what do you wish to gain from your thread?




I'll send you a PM

why a pm want to lick mr B's arse how very middle class of you

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What is it with some misrable basterds out there, see a young lad with trackie on there autamaticly a chav, and now if your a certain age and wear camo gear your still a chav. Pathetic!


"Certain Type" who are you...the fecking queen? take the plums out your gobb and f**k off :wankerzo4:

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  On 08/07/2011 at 12:15, Swampy said:
  On 08/07/2011 at 10:32, carp man 1 said:
  On 08/07/2011 at 08:12, Magdon said:

What gives with all the chav's that insist on wearing Realtree to the shows and game fairs? It seems that its now become some kind of must wear uniform along with the shaved heads and tattoos. Isn't it enough that they have fat birds with badly dyed hair, who smoke roll ups and have snotty nosed kids.


The really serious one also think they have to drag their bullX lurchers and minging terriers around with them as well.


Is it some kind of award badge thing . Like the gold stars you see on the McDonalds burger flippers. :hmm:

to me it looks like u r up your own arse i would like to see your las coz people like u make me piss everyone has to start somewere and it nice to see young one comein in to the game bet u was the same when u first started but no one said owt to u!!! tell them 2 there face not on here :wallbash:



I think you're wrong mate.

Why would you need to wear that garb at a country fair?.....Why would you want to?

In my experience its the understated folk that are the genuine ones.

Its a bit like folk who are monied. They don't flash it.

Empty Vessels Make More Noise




Ninging whilst wearing the latest gucci summer collection


But is it Cammo? :whistling:

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On a similar note, I see crushed velvet has made a return.


My suspicions were confirmed this week when I spotted a chavalcade of teenage mums on there daily Greggs run.

Each clad in crushed velvet trackies, with arse crack on show.

Edited by shepp
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  On 08/07/2011 at 13:01, gonetoearth said:
  On 08/07/2011 at 08:12, Magdon said:

What gives with all the chav's that insist on wearing Realtree to the shows and game fairs? It seems that its now become some kind of must wear uniform along with the shaved heads and tattoos. Isn't it enough that they have fat birds with badly dyed hair, who smoke roll ups and have snotty nosed kids.


The really serious one also think they have to drag their bullX lurchers and minging terriers around with them as well.


Is it some kind of award badge thing . Like the gold stars you see on the McDonalds burger flippers. :hmm:

and who are you gok won , if people wish to dress in camo its their right fill us in

are your fashion tip , not the old washed out denim and a thomas pink :hmm: maybe not

bit to tastful prob a closet primark i detest snobs more than the media created chav

:laugh::laugh: ..i love primark too...wore my denim jeggings out hunting last year ..lol

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  On 08/07/2011 at 08:12, Magdon said:

What gives with all the chav's that insist on wearing Realtree to the shows and game fairs? It seems that its now become some kind of must wear uniform along with the shaved heads and tattoos. Isn't it enough that they have fat birds with badly dyed hair, who smoke roll ups and have snotty nosed kids.


The really serious one also think they have to drag their bullX lurchers and minging terriers around with them as well.


Is it some kind of award badge thing . Like the gold stars you see on the McDonalds burger flippers. :hmm:


Almost verbatim what that Plummer terrier idiot said on another post on another forum, I have looked at your posts and you either are the said idiot or your just at the wind up........

Edited by WILF
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Does it annoy the shit out of anybody else that people have started to use the word 'Chav' as a means to refer to anybody they see as beneath themselves regardless of 'class?' I can't f*****g stand snobbery at any level, let alone when it's being used in a context like this.


Sitting typing this in my front room wearing ex army DPM trousers, just like I could be on any other day...

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I think the point that Magdon is trying to make is that there are some folk who seem to think that by wearing this stuff they can be classified as "The hunting fraternity". It is not about snobbery or class, (which, by the way is always usedd as an argument by those who have none......remember an inverted snob is far worse!)but about the stereotypes who wear it. In general Magdon is right. Its a fact. A mere observation however won't change anything though and others will always think the same of those stereotypes. It is not just restricted to game fairs. Go to any rock festival. (Glastonbury is a good example....middle class families trying to fit in with hard core hippies and NATs. You can spot them a mile off. They might as well wear a T-Shirt saying "another thing I've done before I'm 50")

People will always be critical of others fashion and rightly so as it would be a boring world to live in otherwise.

Its just that the sterotype observed in this instance is recognised almost immediately as correct.

If the chav hunters (and they exist!)don't like it then they should do something to change their image.

Personally I couldn't care less.......It just makes me smile






Vogue Ning


PS If I'm wearing "Camo" it is ALWAYS Kalvin Klein DPM (Dirty Pant Material)

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  On 08/07/2011 at 12:51, undisputed said:

:hmm: Interesting article in a local paper :hmm: is this why you started the thread :hmm:




Police in Perthshire are hunting a mysterious man dressed in Chav Cammo, who was seen by several witnesses wandering around town wearing nothing but cammo gear.


The mysterious stranger was first observed by a witness at about 9.40pm last Thursday, when a motorist spotted the man exiting from a night club and later lurking near a notorious housing estate trying to sell realtree and Deerhunter jackets to the local youths


When the witness pulled up in their truck, the man fled, down an alley shouting "you'll never find me in the woods" in what sounded like a public school accent.


The Cammo man was next reported when a woman heard her doorbell ring. Looking out through her door's peephole, she noticed that the person who'd rung her doorbell was clad head to toe in cammo gear, and was asking if she wanted to go lamping. Police believe this "lamping" is a euphanism for something sexually deviant


Authorities believe that it may have been the same Cammo-wearing guy.


The Chav Cammo-wearer is described as approximately 30-40 years old, 6 foot tall, around 18 stone, and has a very posh accent and answers to the name Magdon, which police believe isn't his real name.


Police say that no arrests of people wearing Chav Cammo were made as there were not enough cells in Britain to contain them all. It is not known if the Cammo wearing man is still at large as the cammo gear is so realistic he could be any tree or bush in the vicinity.




Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/65993-nude-man-in-Chav-Cammo-man-at-large#ixzz1RW26nd4V

saw a judge look like that at a show :thumbs:

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  On 08/07/2011 at 13:53, lunita said:

this threads def touched a raw nerve in some people.. :icon_eek: ..its good we all have different opinions ..nice healthy debate bout clothes..lol

na i love a good wind up the undertones here are a wanabe , listern its or'ses for

courses we can not all shop in the arcade's round st jameses , and twiddle the hours

away in boodles, but any one in my book who still has a long dog and uses it in the

right manner is one of are's , if he and his crowd wish to wear realtree or barbour

its up to them did not see any one complaining when the same were out in force at hyde park or getting batterd by the police , to all the realtree lads :cheers: rather stand with you than some social climer in his brand new of the peg schoffel that will be hung up in the company car most of the time :hmm: ps WHAT EVER HAPPEND TO CAMMO MAN :laugh:

Edited by gonetoearth
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  On 08/07/2011 at 10:03, The one said:

Aye they seem regulation uniform for game fairs laugh.gif


Didn't I see you at scone in your realtree x dpm trouser jacket combination with matching cap? Haha


I wear trackies and have got a skinhead, doesn't mean I'm a chav. I think the term up here is 'ned'. I dont do drugs, dont Rob old women, and don't have a staffy which I pretend is a pitbull. I guess if you seen me though, I would forgive you for thinking the worst. Might have to go out and buy some tweed to fit in lol

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