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Who makes the best dogmen?

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all the best dogs I've seen are owned with people who don't work. I work in the oil industry as some folk on here know which means I do some crazy hours which means the dogs suffer. All the guys I've

I've seen the best and worst of dogs in both camps Baw. What your saying is that if your unemployed you 'should' have more time but I really don't think thats always the case. A good dogman is determ

there is no excuse for not working/earning in some way or other unless you physically cant and im sorry to say it but if anyone can walk a dog then they can get off there lazy arse and find a fecking job :yes: on the thread then the obvious answer to me is if someone cant even hold a job down then they probably cant train a dog!! its not the quantity of time you spend with your dog, its the quality of the training you do in that time :yes: working dogs is not rocket science, man has done it since the dawn of time, and its in everyones blood but if your struggling theres plenty of books out there that can help you :thumbs:

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who makes the best dogmen??? well the one's who put the time in to the dog's,working or not!

what is a good dog man??? I say a man who can read the dogs body language! and understand what his dog can and can't do! a good dog man will work round any limits the dog has, and not just put it up for sale as 100% working dog! 9 time's out or 10 it's the man who's at fault!


Just remember life's about learning! the man who thinks he know's everything know's nothing!!

thats my take on it anyway!

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The keen lads I know go out at least four times a week from 11ish till dawn from september till feb / march, theres no way you could hold a proper job down doin this. :thumbs:




Thats just putting the hours in.. it doesnt mean they are good dog men. Alot of lamping work isnt hunting craft, its shining and seeing.Then its down to the dog...Its not exactly stalking, bushing, or stealthy behaviour. imo. ok, the more game you put in front of your dogs the better... :thumbs:

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all the best dogs I've seen are owned with people who don't work. I work in the oil industry as some folk on here know which means I do some crazy hours which means the dogs suffer. All the guys I've went out with hunting that have had the best dogs have never worked. So I'm asking if in your experience do you think to have a dog at it's peak you really need to be full time dogman? Are all the best dogs you know of owned by unemployed folk?



i have been fortunate and unfortunate to be both over the years an the outcome from both scenarios didnt reflect on how i train or work my dogs whatsoever............the only difference i would say is when i was out of work i wasnt coming home to a dirty kennel.

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I havent read one word of this thread but the best dogmen I know hunt alot. I mean every f****n day damn near. Their dogs are hard as f**k year round and you wont see the man makin excuses for the dogs ever.



Again Dan your a man who speaks sense..... very difficult to make people on this site beleive that it is possible to hunt everyday.... :thumbs::thumbs:

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I havent read one word of this thread but the best dogmen I know hunt alot. I mean every f****n day damn near. Their dogs are hard as f**k year round and you wont see the man makin excuses for the dogs ever.



Again Dan your a man who speaks sense..... very difficult to make people on this site beleive that it is possible to hunt everyday.... :thumbs::thumbs:


I take it you mean during the season?

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