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im sorry to here about that rocky hope it all works out for u but if thing dont pm me ive got a dog pup left and u can come and pick him up free of charge mate its not a nice thing to happen ive had t

well just geting back from the vets and they admited him ,they will not know nothing untill they but him a sleep so he hopeing he ok ,i have 2 ring them at 4pm ,it still has,nt sunk in ,some post have

Still young enough to heal quick mate. You said he can walk on it which is a good sign. I think he'll be fine mate. The joys of lurchers eh.... We have all been there mate and we know how your feeling

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someone p.m saying 2 but sugar on the wound ?anybody heard of this ?


Cornflour or icing sugar can be used to clot a wound in an emergency but if the vet has done his job theres no need for that now.



Glad the dog is OK mate :thumbs: If you were a bit closer I would give you a few bottles of homebrew as I imagine the vet emptied your pocket a bit.

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just trim the hair away and a threw staples that no probs

the dog had muscle dameage aswell i think the vets had 2 take some bad/rip miscle tiisue away ,anyway as far as wounds go how bad would it have 2 be before you would take your dog 2 the vets ,i thought mine needed the vets ?

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Sugar absorbs water which reduces swelling but I would do what the vet tells you.

or i,am strickly no exercise just for toilet and he medication carprofen and amox/clav and then back their on tuesday for a check up

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all the best with the recovery pal may not think it but you have been lucky mate

believe me i know how lucky the dog was it could went into he chest or done both legs ,that dog is 1 lucky dog :thumbs:

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Anybody who has lurchers and hasn't had a bad injury is either very lucky or doesn't let them off the lead. It's amazing what the fuckers can find to injure themselves with lol.

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Anybody who has lurchers and hasn't had a bad injury is either very lucky or doesn't let them off the lead. It's amazing what the fuckers can find to injure themselves with lol.

Yep they sure do! the buggers
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